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Geo's Ki-44 Shoki is available!

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yabba-yabba-doooo, go get it guys! clapping.gifhttp://www.geos-airc.../SFAircraft.htm



Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki (little demon) codename "Tojo", served in China, Burma, Philippines, Okinawa and especially in defence of Japan. Not known to be present in Solomons, New Guinea, Rabaul, Marianas or the smaller islands and attolls that were IJN territory.



it comes with skins for 5 differant Regiments too! plus differant paint schemes. wow!


Thanks Geo. drinks.gif and thanks Wrench and Edward for the scenery too!

Edited by jet_spud

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He really outdid himself on this one, expecially on the skins AND that very cool damage modeling!!!


Of course, it goes without saying that the cockpit is excellent!!


Can't wait for his Jack!! (i've seen a real one at the Chino Air Museaum, about 50 miles east of me)




kevin stein

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Wrench, you saw the Raiden. The last remaining one.



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A Masterpiece :clapping: !!!! Geo's standard!! Can't wait the Raiden! BTW, the KI-44's cockpit fits very well for the KI-84 with only small adjusts.

If you want to place in the KI-84 follow the instructions bellow.

-Drop the entire "Cockpit" folder from the Ki-44 install to the Ki-84's one

-Drop the Ki-44_cockpit.ini to the same place and rename it as Ki-84_cockpit.ini. Inside it, change the seat position to this "Position=0.0,-0.012,0.999"

That's all!!

Thanks a lot Geo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wilches, good idea to pop the new cockpit into the ki-84 - if i remember correctly that has a ki-43-1 cockpit, so will look a LOT better with the Ki--4 pit in there. thanks for the tips on how to do it, because i had no idea. dntknw.gif



Wrench, i envy you having the Raiden so close, but we do have some compensation here - the ki-100-1b and Ki-46-111 at Cosford just down the road. Believe they are one of a kind too. you have far more jap aircraft cross the pond than we do, i know that for a fact.



judging by this Ki-44 the J2M should really be something special. bowdown2.gif

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