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ATIU reports....

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12 Jan, 1942

HQ, Darwin


ATIU has reports of a new Japanese Army fighter plane, which has been reported sighted since the opening of hostilities.


Very little is known at this time, although it's suspected that it may be the Kawasaki Ki-58. It has been given the codename of "Mike".


Attached to this report is the first clear photo, taken by an RAAF Hudson on patrol over the Netherlands East Indies.


As further information becomes available, this station will forward it to the appropriate agencies.




Just need to finish the readme, and if there's any interest, release it.



kevin stein

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Hmm....worth looking at.


Francillon's book lists the Ki-109 as "Mistubishi, Army Experimental Interceptor Fighter", which actually looks like a conveted bomber.

(which is ok, as the real Ki-58 was an escort fighter variant of the Ki-49 Helen bomber, but as it never went into service....hmmmm.......)


It's really hard to find a designation, as EVERY number seems to have been used from Ki-1 to Ki-230!!! Little did they suspect, I think, how hard they'd make my life 70-odd years later!!! :rofl:



kevin stein

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You know, on further thought, I LIKE "Ki-109" for the designation. It seem better, and more matching to the description in Francillon's book. And more fitting for a Me-109, given the lack of range it had....


And we ALL know how many times, historically/retrospectively, ATIU got things wrong during the war.



kevin stein

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But don't start asking for an Israeli Airforce nickname for it!

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But don't start asking for an Israeli Airforce nickname for it!


There already is: "Sakeen" (Knife)

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And a 'stand-in' version has been available for IDF use on my site for about 4 years now....(using Wolf's 109G10)



kevin stein

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Also, one mustn't forget that technology transfers don't exist in a vaccum...it's a 2-way street



kevin stein

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Love this "Zero"!! The cowling should be yellow too, he he he!!!!! :grin:

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Yah, still working on that ... can't quite figure out how AD did the mapping on the cowl, as it appears (when looking at the skin bmp), the bottom section is split between the top and bottom of map, and might not be fully symetrical. However, I DID manage to paint the rest of the oil cooler intatke to match, so it looks a little better.


Nobody noticed the 'missing' item??? Remember, AD linked the canopy animation to the "H" key ... and there's something NOT dangling off the tail (which may be added back, just in case III 9/JG2 get assigned to GRAF ZEPPELIN or PETER STRAUSER)



kevin stein

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