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Guest rscsjsuso5

help on submission

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Guest rscsjsuso5

a suggestion to admin - it would be nice and respectful if an explanation be sent in a message form of why an uploaded submission was not allow . example if someone uploaded a submission and was approved by admin1 but then it was taken down by admin2 the uploaded individual would need to have a reasonable explanation sent to him/her.


just a suggestion would be nice and respectful.


i heard from one user that he uploaded something and it was approved by a staff/admin but then the next week it was taken down for some unreasonable excuse by another staff/admin and that user that uploaded the stuff got pissed because he was just trying to help out the community in a particular mod. we need a clear explanation of why.


thanks just a suggestion.

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There's nothing wrong with a second opinion and a re-evaluation to decide if an upload is OK or not.


It's a bit like football (soccer) in that a referee may allow a goal but a linesman may have spotted something and will confer with the referee and together they will decide if the goal shall stand.


I've found the upload side of things here to be really good and appreciate the time taken by the admin peeps.

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I believe what we should be doing is "unapproving" the file which hides it from downloading but does not remove it from the system. If you are the file owner (submitter) then you should receive a PM here with why the file was unapproved and what edits are needed. You can then just make the edits to the file, re-upload, upload a missing screen shot whatever is missing and once that's done responding to the PM will be fastest way to get the file back online.


There shouldn't be any offense taken by these actions as they are designed to benefit the community instead of mass producing a bunch of files to the public that are incomplete, don't have installation instructions, or a readme file. I believe we are saving hundreds if not thousands of hours of countless frustration by not subjecting the community to faulty packaging which is what this boils down to.


I think when you stand back and look at the entire picture and not just the fact that a "single" file was removed it will make sense and it then becomes an easy thing to support. Imagine waiting an hour to get something downloaded and you're itching to go weapons hot and then *crash* your new mod has no install instructions or direction on how or where to get help if there's a problem.




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Guest rscsjsuso5

thanks hope the suggestion can improve the site even more and thanks ca for many months of wonderful mods. also to erik i agree with what u said just fix up the error and reup it. very good idea.

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  On 9/13/2009 at 8:01 PM, rscsjsuso5 said:

unreasonable excuse


Care to elaborate on that at all?

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  On 9/13/2009 at 8:01 PM, rscsjsuso5 said:

i heard from one user that he uploaded something and it was approved by a staff/admin but then the next week it was taken down for some unreasonable excuse by another staff/admin and that user that uploaded the stuff got pissed because he was just trying to help out the community in a particular mod.


Not hardly, if I delete a file its for a damn good reason. Follow the guidelines laid forth and all will be well. Helping out the community or not, just do it RIGHT and there is no issue.


Just like Erik said, a readme, install instructions, credits......if you are going to take the time to upload it, then take the time to upload it right.

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