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Condor skin started

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I've got some nice plates of Atlantic Fw-200s so I thought I'd try my hand at one. I'm still trying to get the ripples in the wing skin right.





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I see you changed the tones.

Very good effect of roughness.

the ribs are excellent.

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Be using decals for some of the other items (radio call letters, KG40 insigina)???? As the right side tail swas is backwards....


I'd also add some engine faces to those disc-thingy's in front of the nacceles' on the "B" skin map.


did you get a copy of the "Warpaint" book I linked to in the other thread? If not, here it is again:




give all the squadron codes, and has some really nice profiles.



kevin stein

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Thanks Kevin


I haven't been able to find the Warpaint book in New Zealand. Its a bit disappointing though that it doesn't contain a good panel line diagram like the rest of the series.


Colour is the the big hassle. Most books show standard Luftwaffe colours but some show a maritime scheme. I've decided to paint it for the North Atlantic.


As for decals, I've been working on a range of these -post-2351-12537318866632_thumb.jpgpost-2351-12537318960734_thumb.jpg



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Currently painted RLM 72/73/65, the concensus seems to be 70/71/65. I've found reference to these colour being taken off a model made by a Condor pilot during WWII using stock squadron paints. May be I'll provide both options - not too hard with "colour replace".



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looking good!


did you d/l that Warpaint book? Did it help any (other than adding to your collection! <evil grin>??



kevin stein

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Latest progress shot. I'll start on the underside tomorrowish.





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