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Track IR investment Tomorrow

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Well after looking over EVERY post on many sites... I think im going to make the plunge for TIR4 tomorrow if I can find some place that carries it here.


I hope I don't have to order it online cuz I hate trying to deal with online ppl if things don't ship or something's wrong with the unit.


Im trying to read up on these forums so I will know how to set it up properly when I get it.


ANy extra input would be great if you have any.... thanks :salute:

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ANy extra input would be great if you have any.... thanks Salute.gif


I ordered direct from NaturalPoint and had no trouble at all, so you I suggest you do that.


You might want to get TIR5 instead of TIR4. I don't know what the difference is in hardware, but future software upgrades might soon stop being compatible with TIR4, as they already are with TIR3. IOW, get the newer stuff and it will be useful longer. Be sure to download the TIR5 software if you get TIR4--it's way better than the TIR4 software.


Also, whatever model you get, be SURE to get the Pro Clip. The most common problem folks have with TIR is when they use the regular clip, because the signal:noise ratio can easily get too low. You have to turn off lamps behind you, be sure there's nothing shiny behind you, and don't have a window at your back.


This is all because with the regular clip, the little camera gizmo on top of your monitor is in active mode, shining IR out to bounce off reflectors on your head. Thus, it's looking for rather weak signals and can get confused by other IR-reflective or emittive objects behind you. With the Pro Clip, OTOH, the active IR sources are on your head and the camera gizmo is in passive receiving mode. The camera thus knows only to look for bright point IR sources in a specific configuration, so is MUCH better able to tell signal from noise. As a result, you can leave the lights on and don't have to remodel your computer room. But you have to tell the software that you've got the Pro Clip--the default is the regular clip.


Anyway, TIR is the greatest thing since bottled whiskey. The regular view system in CFS3 (and therefore OFF) leaves much to be desired, but TIR makes it perfect.

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Good for you. You will not be sorry. I use the old TIR3 with vector expansion and that works very well so the newer units should be great. Do not worry about ordering from NaturalPoint. They are on top of things and can be trusted with your order.good.gif

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The TrackIR5 software is even smoother. You could get a T4, if that's cheaper, and still

download the T5 software. Works wonderful for me.


You will be in a new world anyway - the closest to real air combat you could possibly get.

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yeah,,get the hat clip for sure,,,,


if for some reason you think you want the other clip,,the one with the 3 leds,,,ive got one here someone sent to me,,,its yours if you want it.


there is no way in hell ill ever wear it,,,too big,,and another cord attached to my head would put me over the edge..


post office did manage to crack a piece,,,but its nothing that cant be fixed with some super glue

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You're looking for a guide to setup TrackIR?


One word my friend...






Homeboy's guide is a great place to start. Whilst it's geared for (I think) TIR4, it works well enough to allow you to understand TIR5. Personally, I read this guide before even ordering TIR5 and when it arrived, I just installed it and away it went. The default set up was suitable for me, so not too much messing about.


Bullethead is spot on with his remarks that you should spend the extra bucks to get the cap clip. I use that exclusively, as the active IR requires having a cable dangling down alongside your headphone cable. I don't fly using a headset, as I'm yet to venture into the multiplayer world, and so I find the cap clip is perfect for my needs.


Limit your flying time at first, as you might get motion sick, and your eyes will get tired having to look out of your peripheral vision at times, and you won't want to lose a valued pilot due to the strains you may suffer whilst getting used to TIR.


Once you have tried it, you will be amazed how you ever got a victory in any flight sim without it. An invaluable tool.

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With TrackIR4, software version 5 and ClipPro the only thing you need to do is to choose profile "smooth" for Combat Flight Simulator 3.

There are three profiles but "smooth" is the best for flight sim.

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Great decision Firecage!

TIR changes simming completely


Occasionally, my TIR set-up will foul up

I just turn around and land

Just no way I'll fly without it



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