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P-38 FMs for testing...

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Attached is a zip with modified data inis for the following P-38 Lightnings from Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak, and 2 mods by me (F & M):







I made some changes based on some 'tweeks' I used for the Black Widow's FM, and want you all the test them. Now, their probably NOT nearly as accurate as what Greg is doing (not by ANY stretch of the imagination!!!)


Designed for 06 levels, I haven't modified the StallMoment= line, so if some of you want to adjust that, and test in 08 or SF2 level sims, that's what I'd like.


I've fiddled with the elevator, added in BOTH rudders, and not much else. As expected, all the lighting is historically correct; the 20mm cannon has been changed to USE_PRIMARY_GUN, as the AI (in 06 levels anyway) never use their secondary guns.


Instructions for installation:


Unzip to a temp folder or your desktop, or somewhere safe that won't immeadeatly overwrite the existing, original data.inis...


First and most important ... BACK UP YOUR ORIGINAL DATA INIs!!!!!. I did mine the super simple way, of opening them up and "save as..." ori-****_Data.ini; where *** is the aircraft name.


Then, just drop the new ones into the approiate aircraft folder (after making sure you've backed up the originals).


The, go fly. You'll find the aircraft is less suseptable to stalls in turns, although I'd reccomend keeping your speed up over 195 kts IAS - I found somewhere between 195-205 works best.


You still won't (or shouldn't) be able to turn inside a Zeke (but...you can use those 'fake airbrakes' to help bring the nose around -like the dropping flaps trick). Personally, I feel it's a tad too responsive, but you'll stand a better chance against most of the IJA/IJN fighters. I didn't have time to test these in my ETO/MTO installs, so you all can have at go at the Luftwaffe and Regia Aeronatica on your own, and report back in the thread.


Further tweeks and adjustments are MORE than welcome!!! If needed, I'll sticky this thread to keep the posts visible for all.


Thanks people! And Good Flying!



kevin stein

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I'd love to test them in SF2E/V. Thanks, Wrench.

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I'd love to test them in SF2E/V. Thanks, Wrench.


That should get interesting...


(PropHeads use Gen1 sims on 06 patch level)

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anyone have anything to report yet??? It's been a while.


I know it's a little too good, but it's a marked improvement over the originals



kevin stein

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Tested - a big improvement for sure!!! Issue - in real life only the P-38L had dive-brakes and outer wing stores. Thanks for that!!!

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They're not dive brakes! They're "dive recovery flaps" :rofl: !!! (yah, I got one wrong! Everyone please take note!!! :grin: )


For the F, I"d just comment out the relevant sections, or remove the reference callouts in the wing sections.


True, only the very late model H/J could use that 'christmas tree' launcher, although I have photos of H's with Mustang-style HVAR rails under the wing.



kevin stein

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