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[Fictional] F-104I 'Kohav' (Star) for SF2:Europe

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[Fictional] F-104I 'Kohav' (Star) for SF2:Europe



This is a simple mod of the Third Wire Lockheed Starfighter F-104G to give a fictional F-104I 'Kohav' (Star) of the Israeli Air Force with markings for No.119 squadron - "The Bat Squadron". As this download relies on the stock Third Wire F-104G LODs then you must have SF2:Europe where TK has thoughfully left them for us.




1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-104I folder into your Aircraft folder.


2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-104I folder into your main Decals folder.




I wanted to capture the look of the early Mirage IIIC's in Israeli service and saw a photograph of a No.119 squadron machine with red/white rudder stripes and a red fin marking and decided to copy that. As there are no hi-res squadron patch images for No.119 squadron I designed by own, I hope you like it!




Special thanks to guyran for suggesting the Hebrew name of 'Kohav'.


And special thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.






Version 3 - Dated 17/04/16


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You know the Zipper pit exists in all the TOS games, and is quite easily adapted to SF2 NextGenners. Took me all of 2 minutes to get all the Zippers flyable.


I LIKE that skin!!! Be a nice addition to SF2:I maybe??? <grin>



kevin stein

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Updated to include the Third Wire F-104G pit extracted from SFG (I didn't have access to it before but took advantage of the very cheap download price of just $6 when I temporarily had to go back to my old XP desktop).

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Updated but this thread diverts to the SF2 version.

Edited by Spinners

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