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Cant get AA to work

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Hii guys.


I cant get my Anti Aliasing to work in the game. Ive tried turning it on in the Nvidia control panel but it doesn't help. Im using the HDR mod and in the .ini file i set AA to 1 but that doesn't do anything either.

Am i the only one having problems with this or does someone maybe have a solution to it??



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Set the AA line in the ini to 0, save, and go to the nvidia panel and see if the AA is set to "Application controled". If it is, select "override" option, save and run the sim. It should turn on AA.



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Set the AA line in the ini to 0, save, and go to the nvidia panel and see if the AA is set to "Application controled". If it is, select "override" option, save and run the sim. It should turn on AA.




Thank you for your reply. I was starting to think i was alone on this one. :(


I tried your solution and it doesnt seem to work. Ive actully not even been able to get AA in the stock game.

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Thank you for your reply. I was starting to think i was alone on this one. :(


I tried your solution and it doesnt seem to work. Ive actully not even been able to get AA in the stock game.


Have you updated your drivers and also could you post a screenshot of your problem?



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What video card and drivers are you using? I've had issues in the past with FSAA and some games with certain driver revisions.

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What video card and drivers are you using? I've had issues in the past with FSAA and some games with certain driver revisions.


I have a 8800GTS 512mb with the latest drivers. Ill upload a picture as soon as i get the time. Am at work right now.

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It seems that nvidia control panel isn't working right. I got a dentist appointment in 29 mins but after I get back, I'll see my nvidia control panel settings and post them up for you... deal?



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It seems that nvidia control panel isn't working right. I got a dentist appointment in 29 mins but after I get back, I'll see my nvidia control panel settings and post them up for you... deal?




Thank you so much =)

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I'm using the 182s right now I think for my GTX 260. I tried upgrading to the 191's last week, but I lost all FSAA in my TW sims as well as several other games. I quickly used XP's system restore to get back to the 182s and I've not tried again. I just installed the 191s over the top of the 182s and didn't do a complete uninstall/reinstall. Maybe I'll try that this weekend.


Right now, I guess the question is if anyone is using the 191s with their nvidia cards in the TW sims and getting FSAA to work?

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190.38 Drivers, and FSAA works fine for me.

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190.38 Drivers, and FSAA works fine for me.


hmm maybe its the drivers then????

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Thank you so much =)


Dude, I forgot that I need to physically remove my monitor cable to my gaming system. My KVM box caused my booting problems with my gaming pc :/. Can you wait until this weekend? I apologize for this.



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Dude, I forgot that I need to physically remove my monitor cable to my gaming system. My KVM box caused my booting problems with my gaming pc :/. Can you wait until this weekend? I apologize for this.




Well sir since you put it that way. It seems like its way to much trouble for you and i would not wanna be to much trouble for you. So if and whenever you do it, you do it :)


And thank you once again.

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