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Guest British_eh

Request for OFF aircraft being constructred

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Guest British_eh

Hi there:


As I will be up North in the oil patch for a month, I will try my hand at building an airplane for OFF. It would be an advantage to know what is being built now, so I won't duplicate work. See my other Post about OBD.





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What persuasion are you thinking about?


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     I´d like to see a Siemens-Schuckert  D.IV for sure. 








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Dowe know what planes are already on the way?...


Snipe, DH4, Gunbus, Tabloid.... take your pick!

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Start with something simple... the Dorand AR-1, the Avitik C-1, the Big Ack... or even a Pfalz E.III


Just don't take on anything that will dominate you. Lot's of guys do this and get overwhelmed by it.


Good luck and post shots!



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Nice piece of Fishing though!... I was hoping OvS was gonna slip up there, and tell us whats on the list!...I shoulda known better!!! :drinks:

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British, if you are more than fishing here I wish you well. If you are fishing I wish you well also. For me I would be happy for anything you might make. If I were to choose I would say the Hansa Brandenberg W.29.

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Nice piece of Fishing though!... I was hoping OvS was gonna slip up there, and tell us whats on the list!...I shoulda known better!!! drinks.gif


OK, ok... I'll spill the beans.. what the heck, you guys deserve to know anyway...


So here is the list of crates in the upcoming plane add-on.


We added a few to be sure we had plenty to offer...


< Fill in whatever you like here >


.... and that's it.


We think this will help compliment both sides of the fence.


So... did you REALLY think I was going to give it up that easy... caught ya... hook, line and sinker! LOL! rofl.gif



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I know the DFW-Floh is on the list....so I have no worries.grin.gif ......................um..right?








Hehe...psych....who wants to fly that fat little thing?lol.gif

Edited by zoomzoom

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I am 'reasonably' confident I will be a happy man (actually with whatever I get) :grin:

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OK, ok... I'll spill the beans.. what the heck, you guys deserve to know anyway...


So here is the list of crates in the upcoming plane add-on.


We added a few to be sure we had plenty to offer...


< Fill in whatever you like here >


.... and that's it.


We think this will help compliment both sides of the fence.


So... did you REALLY think I was going to give it up that easy... caught ya... hook, line and sinker! LOL! rofl.gif




Git a rope, boys... :grin:

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As 1 1st-timer to another, I HIGHLY recommend doing something very simple as your cherry-popper. It doesn't even have to be WW1, because the objective is to learn both Gmax and what all goes into a model for OFF. Something from the 20s or 30s would work fine to teach you this stuff, and might be easier to make.


Just remember, no matter how proud you are of your 1st model, you're going to think it sucks at least compared to your subsequent work, if not in general compared to the efforts by others that you've observed. This is to be expected because you don't know what you're doing yet. So don't worry what other folks have in work because odds are you won't want your 1st to see the light of day, because once (if) you finish it, you'll know you can do better next time, assuming you enjoyed the process enough to pursue this field.


Thus, I advise you to save what you really want to make until such time as you feel yourself competent enough to do it justice. Start with something that has the simplest structure and fewest exposed details (such as engine parts) you can think of, but which still interests you in a vague way. In fact, pick 3 or 4 such things, because odds are you'll hit a snag somewhere along the line and won't know how to continue, so it's nice to have a few other things you can immediately pick up and carry on with. Every vertex moved teaches you something, and even simple airframes present advanced challenges.


Also, try your hand at building up a library of detail parts. If your objective is to make OFF planes, you'll need a stockpile of Spandaus, Vickers, Lewises, Parabellums, Schwartzloses, Fiat-Revelis, Gnomes, Le Rhones, Mercedes, Clergets, not to mention Scarf rings, Aldis sights, pilot and observer figures for all nationalities, etc., ad nauseum. If you're stuck on your plane(s), work on one of these.


I SINCERELY HOPE OBD will see fit to market an "SDK" of Gmax versions of all their aircrew, guns, gun mounts, engines, sights, etc. I'd be willing to pay for it, as I've mentioned before. But in the meantime, there's no real alternative except make your own....

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now, what I would love is for some 3rd party support to be added into the OFF manager so we could eventually make our own planes and then add them into the campaign with new squadrons, etc.

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now, what I would love is for some 3rd party support to be added into the OFF manager so we could eventually make our own planes and then add them into the campaign with new squadrons, etc.


hmmm... well, I bet stranger things have happened!!

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Third party add-ons are all very well, as would an SDK be - great idea that one :good: . But as we know from the OFF that is, the model is only a fraction of the story, for each model there's all the ace and default skins to be researched and created, the unit placements, locations and timings, suitable missions etc, etc.


I'm sure there'd be volunteers... Hell I'd volunteer too, but I hesitate to say I could commit the necessary hours in an acceptable timescale. Adding even a single aircraft to a simulation of this quality is a major undertaking.

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