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prankster2.gif I was flying a N-17 and got into combat with a Albatross D-2 at around 7-10 000 ft. We were amid Tall white clouds and blue skies. He was the last of his pack ( 2 D-2s at low level and 3 above us 3 N-17s) The e/a scout circled wide then came down on the 6 of my flight .The other 2 Hun scouts were diving level so I cut inside his turn and got on his six. Slowing down , I took the shot ,two long bursts befor my lewis jamed. Gotta luv the graphics hits all over his kite poping up dust ? as they struck. Then a thin smoke trial as the enemy scout went into a flat wide spin. I watched him stay in that death spin all the way down till he hit the trees and exploded The smoke trail left from his burning aircraft smeared the clean blue sky . Awsome. poke.gif .


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My best ever kill was on Red Baron II


Got behind an enemy ace during in an intense chase at a fair distance let off 1 tiny burst of 1-2 bullets just to see if i was in range i heard a little scream the the plane swan dived into the dirt..


Made me feel as good as the 'Der Rotte Baron' musical score after he drops the wreeth


My mate saw it and officially titled me jammy bastard for life..

The then laughed epicly hard till he was crying like a baby after i did a victroy loop not realiseing my plane had damage.. heard a loud crack and my upper wring crumbled a bit..


Made it home though



OFF My most memorable kill was on that first campaign mission flying a Fokker E.III after a ballon bust

4 two seaters coming my way with no gunners or escorts.. downed 3 of them then lined up close for the 4th and griped that trigger for dear life even grinning as i did it. She burst into flames and went spiraling to the earth.


4 kills pluss 1 baloon with no damage to me..

An ace in a day and crashed to rge fraking desktop on mission end


Just a great shame

Edited by Pappy55

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Somewhere in Bloody April, my flight of 3 Pups was bounced by about twice our number of higher Albatri (as usual). In the midst of the ensuing white-knuckle brawl, I dodged a pass from my high 4, rolled into it, and discovered myself "canopy to canopy" (or goggles to goggles) with Bruno Lorzer and his broad black-and-white stripes. We did a rolling scissors in which I managed to gain more angles than position, but still enough for a snapshot on about the 3rd time around as our paths crossed at the bottom of the barrel.


I fired about 6 rounds total and I figure at least 4 of them went into the cockpit from the top down. We were both headed down at the time I fired so I continued to pull up and on over for the next cycle. Bruno, however, continued on in a ballistic trajectory from where I'd hit him. He screamed vertically into the ground without twitching again from about 3000 feet up.



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My recent best kill was the killing of a Brisfit.

Never before had I got one down without bad engine- and other damage myself.

This one, I perforated from a long distance, until it was so shot up, that I could go

nearer and give it the final burst. Got only some minor hits in the wings.


For picture, see here:



Edited by Olham

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Most interesting one for me, was catching Lanoe Hawker on a bad hair day. Didn't have a clue who this particular AI pilot was, but he was throwing his machine all over, much more animatedly than the others. My wingman was unlucky to be a lame duck (engine smoke) and this chappy was soon on his tail potting away. I swung over and gained some speed as I knew the enemy pilot was going to swan upwards and he did, and I closed quickly firing from about 75 metres. I just hammered him with a full three second burst. Shreds of canvas all over the sky, and down he goes, all gimped and smoking. I hit the labels ON just to see what I got and sure enough to my huge surprise it was Lanoe that then ploughed into a field. I've a couple of screenies. My wingman limped over to our side and then crash landed behind our reserve trenches. Got him all softened up for MvR, who got him in real life a month later. Salute.gif

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Guest British_eh

My best kill:

Well.................I approached the Front, and we, the other 2 gentlemen and I, flying out of Jasta Boelke, began our usual task of seeing the Tommies off. We had just passed through 7,000 feet, on a cool and blustery 12th day of February. The clouds, some call them sheep, I suppose because they look like cotton, were blissfully ignoring us this day, and had chosen to be somewhat scattered about, but still willing to conceal a plane or two. I had dressed warmly, with my long waist coat, and wool scarf, a Christmas present I believe, fitted in snugly. had a flask of warm milk stuck between my knees.


Flying the Dr.1 can be a bit tricky at times, as she's a bit like a women, ............always wanting a bit of attention. I had gotten used to her temperamental ways though, as while you could be quite demanding of her, and she would then be most obedient. It had been only 2 weeks at what used to be Jasta 2, and I was quickly adapting to the new aircraft. The climb was second to none, as even against the copycat British Sopwith Triplane, she could out do the Brit with little adieu. The Camels provided a different fight, but their terrible propensity to spin put them at quite a disadvantage.


We had been up now for some 20 minutes and I checked my fuel. No sense in taking on to much, as it was such a performance killer. I had perhaps 10 L left, enough I'm sure to see me through. As we followed the Front South, we saw some AA smoke only some 2 miles away now. I signaled my gentlemen to gain some altitude to give us a bit of an advantage. The Dr climbed smoothly and quite soon were were able to pick out a number of Allied planes.


I signaled for an attack, and the game was on. I had the advantage of height, and looked for an enemy craft who was nearest. It was 6 British SE5's that we tangling with. I saw Karl going down after one or to of the SE's. Then Baumer too was in pursuit of the Brit's. I was reluctant to jump in so abided my time and soon enough there was a crafty Brit who had circled around and was now even with me. I went at him.........straight, holding the trigger down, and taking a few hits myself. I spun away with my nose up, and kicked the rudder hard right. He had done a similar roll and I though I could position myself behind him, but I had lost my zoom, as he did an Immelmann turn, the cheat I say! I need not underestimate my foe, and would bring all my lessons and training to my aid. I kicked the rudder hard left now, to try and come around him, as I saw him trying to gain my vulnerable backside. I then kicked the rudder hard and edged the nose down, but stalled, and dropped some 2 or 300 feet. I couldn't loose height and must maintain my superiority over the enemy. I straightened out, and leaning the mixture as she began to cough a bit. In my haste I heard then saw the splintering of one of my wings, and aggressively pulled hard on the stick, full right rudder, another spin, and then hard left, ailerons level, to stop the spin, and level out, losing precious altitude in the process. Only 48 mph, to slow, I would die at this rate. A slight nose down, and a slow spiraling climb try and get away. I could no longer see my gentlemen, as indeed, some 10 minutes had gone by now. I was down to some 5 L now, but I didn't feel the loss of the additional weight was helping much, and I was still some 5 miles from a base. I looked and there were now 4 SE's below me, and two more had now joined the fray. Not a gentleman to be spotted, I was on my own. The sweat which had been warm, now turned cold, as my hand seem to choke the stick. I had my training to help me with discipline, as every German knows, you must be strong. I had been on the Front now for almost 3 weeks, and had flown some 20 missions. It all seemed to matter little now as it was a battle to survive. One of the two SE's now was diving at me, trying to kill me. It is quite disturbing. I avoided the onslaught, and managed to put some 40 rounds into him, and then looked to climb. Two more SE's were on their way up to challenge me. I turned inside one, gave away some height, and coming around to his six, put near 100 rounds towards him. Some found there mark, but he barrel rolled away and then dove. Meanwhile the second had circled around, and again, I was under attack. I dove, then turned hard right several times, finally able to get some shots away, but not enough to send him to the ground, only to dive away.


It was my only chance, to try and make it to the base. I leaned the mixture again, and pulled back on the stick once I had some speed. I was able to make perhaps a mile before they caught me again, hearing the plane splinter apart, but luck would be with me. My fuel tank was not holed, and I was still in command of the plane. Again I turned, as two SE's were deciding who was going to attack. One split left and dove, the other right, with a slight roll. I took the highest one on, to my right, and squeezed my machine gun hoping I would hit the target. By now though, after the last few hits, my beloved new Dr. was under-performing. I turned again and headed towards the aerodrome, even hoping that by now I might benefit the gunners at the base. No such luck, where were they. Someone had to hear the gun fire and planes. Still, no AA and no ground fire. I turn to face mortality again, as my pursuers certainly sensed that they had me. I was now at some 2 L perhaps of petrol , and as I turned, I knew that I could try for the base, but would be unfortunately a little short in getting there. Dam to die this way, so close to help. Where were my gentlemen, where were the ground crew, was there no other fine Germans to help me! I spun down and put her in a dive. I could only hope my pursuers were other wise occupied, but there they were, on me like a wolf. An odd thought came to mind that it didn't seem to be a very British type of approach, two going in for the kill. Taking even more machine gun rounds I knew it was near the end. The Dr lacked much of any control and my pursuer's, relentless. I was only some 1/2 mile from the base now, but it was an eternity away. Turning, I saw one SE some 50 yards behind me a I kicked the rudder left and right. Too soon now I would feel the grim reaper and the hot metal ripping into me. Perhaps it would all be over swiftly, as I had heard that to die burning in your plane is the worst fate. Wait - do I have one more trick up my sleeve. I kicked hard one more time and turned the plane over to it's back. I unbuckled the restraining belts and pushed hard out of the cockpit. I fell out of the plane a bit awkwardly, but I wasn't burning, and I was still alive. One, two now pull the chord! A sudden stop in mid air or so it seemed, and I was floating down. Two British planes pursued my Dr, pummeling it with machine gun fire until it literally blew apart. I came to a landing on the edge of the base, and waited for wither the British to come after me, or my comrades to rescue me. Nothing happened, and I sat there for quite a while, thinking about the how fast the last twenty minutes had gone by. Yes, my best kill a British pilot is saying right now.





Edited by British_eh

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Outstanding story British_eh.



This was probably my best kill, though technically a force down:


A Duel In The Sun



It was fortunate I had my camera along to capture it. wink.gif







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Nice Vid there RAf_louvert :good:

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probably shooting down a Arthur Rhys-Davids on a scramble mission. the devil is in the details, though, I shot down his SE5 while piloting a DFW C.V.


the other contender is using a DFW C.V to shoot down a Sopwith Triplane from RNAS 8 even though I was being attacked by two aces at the same time.


the most 'glorious' battles are probably single-handedly destroying 7 Bristol Scouts with a Fokker E.III in Phase II (I wanted to run away, but they just wouldn't leave me alone!)


the biggest haul I got in Phase III was for sending three FE2b and a BE2c down in flames with a Roland C.II. unfortunately my mission objectives were "completed" about half way through that battle-- so I only got a claim form for the first victory. the other three were treated as though they never happened. kind of a bummer, given that the last three victories all fell some 20-30 miles behind the front lines and I was the only person to fire a shot at them (the AA didn't even bother with them, for some odd reason)

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The best was a mid air collision with a N17. I followed it all the way down to make sure it crashed and I could get the confirmed kill, didn't even have to record a witness. 17 days in the hospital then back to Jasta2.

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Most memorable fight occured during a big dogfight

Up high, I spotted a wingie with a Camel on his tail, both turning hard to starboard

Dove my DVII steeply, pulled out and came at him out of the apex of his turn, slightly low

He pulled up and rolled right over the top of me

Hauling back into a 1/2 loop, we grazed by each other

Rolled of the top, breaking to port after him

He surprized me by rolling up at me

Our rolls synchronized 180o out, looking into each others cockpits

We continued down at bout a 30o angle locked in a death spiral

Still holding momentive from my dive, I slid forward in the spiral

Gripping tight, I concentrated on widening my turn to slide back

It worked and eventually he broke and I hit him from his 6

I was genuinly sad to see his smoking crate plummet to earth



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