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Weird roundels...

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Anybody know what this is? :grin: Admittedly, it's post-War...

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Ireland? I know they had green and orange in their roundels, but no idea on the other colors?

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LoL! Keep trying... The Irish Free State roundel, when used, was a green and orange ying/yang symbol, often on a white field. More common were orange-white-green wing bands, though. They've changed it a bit since then.

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Never mind. Wrong order of colors



Edited by Heck

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Ok, you got me... roundel colors look African?


This is in the early 1920s, though, don't forget........... So the countries which gained independence since WW2 had not done so at the time...

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Well done, Heck! These are the original 1920 SAAF colours which were replaced in 1927 with the orange, white and blue roundel we all know from WW2 photos.


Any interest, anyone? I'll upload them if there is.


They were used in "combat", during the Johannesburg Rand Revolt against militant white mineworkers (Maggie Thatcher would love it in old SA!) and the Bondelsvart Uprising in SWA in 1922.



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I'd certainly like them. I'd even have the odd member of my flight using them on the Western Front in 1918 as an interesting what if. It was the African colors reference in one of the previous posts that sent me investigating. Finally found the answer at Wings Pallet. Hope you'll post these. They look cool.

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LoL! There's a lot more what-ifs where that came from! I'll try and package them during the day.


Has anyone ever thought of the other post-War conflicts, such as the Russian Civil War? Check this out, and look at the list of belligerents on the right hand side of the page!




Obviously few factions had aircraft, but it's still an idea. Needs more research, as always!

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