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DiD Logbook.

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Sub Flt Lt Sidney Williams


St Pol sur Mer

29th October 1916



Enemy planes over the field, took off with flight to engage. Long bursts into two Albatross scouts which went down into woods near Capelle le Grande.




Enemy planes reported near the field, took off with flight to engage but could find nothing at our low altitude, returned without incident.




30th October 1916



Arty Obbo. Our flight engaged by at least five Fokker Eindeckers at 6000ft, approx five miles west of Lille. We were escorted by DH2 scouts. During the fight over our obbo station I fired into three EIIIs and drove them down. I did not follow, prefering to maintain the safety of my altitude. Three of my chaps reported seeing an EIII I had fired into going into the ground, but without knowing if they'd all seen one or seperately saw three I can make only one claim in good conscience. The fight lasted at least ten minutes with both my chaps and the DH2s wheeling around ever lower with the EIIIs. Half an hour later I spotted two trying to close with us at 5000ft as we left our station to return home but they gave up when we outran them. Our flight returned safely without losses.





1st November 1916



Recce flight. Engaged by a flight of Alb DII a good 20 miles on our side of the lines. One got through our escort and tried to engage me, I turned into him and got on his tail and drove him down from 6000ft to 5000ft with a number of bursts. Large pieces came off him but nobody saw what happened to him after that. Climbed back to height and made our way to our station over the lines and took notes for 20 minutes or so. On the return flight, at almost the exact same position as our outward leg, a lone DII engaged us. I got onto his tail and chased him down to 3000ft with multiple bursts and observed him crash into the ground.


Diary note. Today was my second trip over the lines. The noise of the barrage is frightful, even at 6000ft. There is a pall of smoke and the smell! Then the stress of constantly having to look out for enemy machines, it does tire one. We were escorted by our latest type, four Sopwith Pups. A very good looking machine. They kept the DIIs off our backs and we lost sight of them before arriving over the lines, but shortly thereafter a single one reappeared and stayed with us for a while. I do hope the others were ok.

I now have four claims pending, two Eindeckers and two DIIs. None I've encountered so far have put up much of a show, they all appear to have been flown by novice pilots. Long may that continue, I have no illusions about my own skills.

Edited by Siggi

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Shall we write our Log details into here then?


Okay, here's some info for the beginning. My two identities for our DiD campaign.


Staffelführer: Hauptmann Guenther Baron von Mahlow


Normal Pilot: Leutnant Juergen Mahlo

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No, each player should start his own thread, to be used for all his pilot (persona) logs. Each pilot (persona) should have one post each in that thread, each flight's details added by editing the one post. When the pilot dies the new one starts a new post in that same thread.


This enables me to give each pilot a link from the DiD site that will always go to that player's one thread. :good:


Personally I will always delete my previous pilot's log in order to save on server disc-space and bandwidth here.


NB: A logbook is not mandatory, just available to those who wish one.

Edited by Siggi

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Well, that would suddenly be some 20 threads, all about Full DiD. I don't think

the others will like that - we would block the whole forum.

Couldn't we make one post each in your DiD sticky thread? And then update/edit that post

each time we got news?

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Well, that would suddenly be some 20 threads, all about Full DiD. I don't think

the others will like that - we would block the whole forum.

Couldn't we make one post each in your DiD sticky thread? And then update/edit that post

each time we got news?


I believe that if posts are only edited the threads will move from the forum front-page and only reappear when a new post (persona) is started in that thread. The links from the DiD site will find them however deeply buried they have become however. In which case they will cause no blockage. :good:

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May I suggest that we just use the 'Reports from the Front' thread thats already stickied? Or have one big one on the DiD Campaign that we can ask to be stickied? My thinking is that way we can all post in the same spot, and enjoy each others successes, stories and whatnot without having to sift through pages of forum threads to find each others threads. I would imagine the mods might suggest something similar anyway. drinks.gif

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That's why I suggested to use Siggi's already present sticky thread "DiD Standard".

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Not sure if you guys are missing Siggi's point or I'm missing yours' :grin: If the logbook link for a pilot on Siggi's DiD Campaign page takes you to that pilot's logbook thread, you'll only need to scroll down to his last entry, not plough through loads of stuff you've already read. Having a common single thread for all the DiD campaign logbook posts would involve more scrolling, especially if there's a lot of roleplay.

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I'm fine either way, just I cannot edit my posts after a certain period of time-- I lose the edit icon- so unless there is some edit function I'm unaware of (huge possibility) I won't be able to keep my own thread trimmed down if we're concerned over space and bandwith useage.

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I'm fine either way, just I cannot edit my posts after a certain period of time-- I lose the edit icon- so unless there is some edit function I'm unaware of (huge possibility) I won't be able to keep my own thread trimmed down if we're concerned over space and bandwith useage.


I just checked a post of mine from april of this year, still editable via the standard button. Not sure what's up with your settings. :dntknw:

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Might be my membership level? The only buttons I get on my post above yours is 'quote' and 'multi-quote'

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Ah, I'd forgotten about that. Membership seniority makes a difference to whether one can edit one's post indefinitely or not, I think.

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Ah. You better get posting Balders. :grin:


Remember chaps, the linked logbook isn't mandatory, it's an optional extra. You can sort out your own arrangements for logs/diaries etc as you wish. :good:

Edited by Siggi

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Thanks Dej and Siggi. good.gif I'll sort something out, maybe I can send stuff to Olham if he wants to keep a FleigerAbteilung/Jasta diary grin.gif

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Salute.gif Good Ideas, I think I will wait and see what works for everyone then do the same thing english_en.gif

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cool.gif Just and after thought althought it envolves work. Most Individual Military Units did have UNIT Records. They told of what happened to the entire unit. i.e. E Co, 1st Bat, 27th Armd Cav on whatever did whatever. The other units did the same. It should be point out that no one paid very much attention updateing and keeping Records . in the 70s or 80s. to the best of my knowledge anyway.drinks.gif

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