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Volunteers for skinning.

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Putting out a call for skinners. Trying to clear projects off my plate, noticing a few of them are held up by lack of skins.


Projects include:






All have PSD templates and basic skins. F-108A needs decals. All need damage textures.


Requirements to be assigned a project:


1. Must have uploaded completed skins here before.

2. Must have been quality work.

3. Must have time to do them sooner rather than later.


Not looking for beta testers...so don't ask. For those who want to skin and meet the requirements stated above, if you want to beta test to flesh out bugs, that's fine.


Reply here if interested.



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I see the F-107... how many and what type for the -107? I'm tracking the damage skins but... can probably do a few undamaged ones.

Edited by EricJ

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F-107C is the closest to completion. Already has a good template and an 'F-16' style skin, just needs a few details on the skin (nose radome, fuel tanks, ground equipment). I only figured out how damage textures work a few days ago...it's pretty straight forward.



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F-107C is the closest to completion. Already has a good template and an 'F-16' style skin, just needs a few details on the skin (nose radome, fuel tanks, ground equipment). I only figured out how damage textures work a few days ago...it's pretty straight forward.




Well if you don't mind I'll take a whirl, though I think 331Killerbee would be good for the ground equipment.

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I take it my original Thunderwarrior skin is being replaced (really, I won't be insulted!!! :grin: )?? Hopefully, somebody with better skill grab it. The decals are still OK, right??



kevin stein

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Actually, I remapped the model to make it easier and more logical, so yea, I had to make a new skin for it.


However, the decals work great, and now that I have solved the bleeding issue, I was able to make the decals much larger on the wings in that 50's huge font.


Using the F-106 cockpit was a stroke of genius on your part, and the periscope works even better (used the 'sight glass' to make a EO_CAMERA instead, so the view out of the front is MUCH better - you can now do an approach to a landing staying inside the cockpit the whole time).


I've even recalibrated the speed tape guage (had to make a new bitmap) to have it scale up to Mach 4.0+....


The F-103A is just behind the F-107C to overall completion, in that it gets to Mach 3 in a reasonable time, uses up fuel to do it, and handles like you'd think at slow speeds. Just some final tweaks at the high end and the FM is ready.


Just needs a detailed skin pretty much.


I will say this...you won't enjoy flying it unless you like a REAL challenge. I'm glad we never bought this thing...





I'll get the F-107C and the templates to you tonite.



Edited by FastCargo

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I'll do it for you...no wait, I already am skinning some for you...ignore this message :lol: Pete

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I'll do it for you...no wait, I already am skinning some for you...ignore this message :lol: Pete


Yes, you are...get back to work you! (cracks whip)




Y'all should see what Pete has got cookin....



Edited by FastCargo

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Do you have some good refference to work from FC??? I had the F-108A in mind. Just a caution I'm not the fastest worker if you can live with that

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Well, there really isn't that much in terms of reference because it never got past mockup stage.


Any paint schemes shown have been projections based on ADC paintjobs of the day.


Besides the books I have (of which most photos are of the mockup), most other references I googled.


Your work is real nice, if you're interested, I can get the F-108 to you tonite.



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Natural metal or ADC grey??

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Let's go with ADC grey...that's what I had planned on. I don't think it would have looked as nice because of the different metals that would have been used in construction.



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Okay same issues like a natural metal F-4 or should I say F-110A :good: I'll take a look at it and see what I can whip up 2048x2048??

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