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Easy Skins (no artistic talent required)

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Well, with the soon to be released addon pack, and the exciting news that Individual skins are soon to become the Norm..there is no better time to make your own.

Ok...you have your chosen paint program...you have your free DXT to BMP program, and you have attempted your first skin.


If like me, you discover it looks more like the contents on the carpet after a particularly outrageous party...and you sit moping about how you should'nt have bunked off those Art lessons in high school...despair not!


Our very own OBD Uber-Skinners have in fact, done all the work for you!


Because of the amazing quantity and quality of their work, you can do what any wannabe artist does when faced with this situation!.....CHEAT!


With a few simple 'copy n paste's you can have a totally individual skin...and with the simple addition of a bit of text, and a cool logo...you can have a personal aircraft to be proud of!


As an example, I made this DVII in about 15 mins...using parts from three different aircraft...no worrying about weathering, textures or such like, cos it's already there!

(I havent worried too much about the details...you can do that once you have the design you want)


So, dig out your paint proggy again, and have a go!..there is nothing as satisfying as having your own unique aeroplane!

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Nice incouragement you started here, Widowmaker.

Now that we shall soon have real individual skins, it will be done by many, I'm sure.

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Thanks Olham...It would be nice to think fellow aviators could create a skin for themselves

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Simple 'copy n paste's - if I can do it anyone can!


Base skins Jasta 2 and Jasta 5 - Thuringia shield. Albatros DII markings at the time were very basic so makes skinning easy





Edited by Beanie

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Simple 'copy n paste's - if I can do it anyone can!


As Homer would say Dohh!!!! Make sure you flip the image!

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Guest British_eh

Hi there UK:


Great idea, just give me the DETAILS :please:





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When making a personal GERMAN skin, consider this....


Many of the personal skins used by standard pilots (not well known aces) were very plain, and had simplisitc designs to them. This does not mean they were all that way, by no stretch of the imagination is that the case.


So, for a quicky skin....


1. Chose a Jasta and take the base Jasta skin to start with.

2. Go out on to the Internet, and find some information about your family heritage, maybe a family crest, hometown flag, country of origin, and all that for historic stuff... for other, more personal... signs of the Zodiac, emblem of a favorite Superhero (Green Lantern, The Flash, Etc..), Baseball team emblem... whatever floats your boat. Also... if you want to go super circa and classic... consider using color bands, maybe the first two letters of your last name... stripes on the tailplane... whatever but keep it simple. A LOT of the pictures we used to design our skins from were based on these principles. It wasn't until late 1917 into 1918 when some of the paint schemes got really crazy.


3. Download a larger version of the emblem, meaning, make sure it's above 200 x 200 pixels in size. The reason for this is that when you work with the sizing, if it's real small, and you make it larger, it will look like hell.

4. Add it to the base skin. DO NOT USE ANY LOUD OR SUPER BRIGHT COLORS!!! There were no neon colors back then, and they look really silly on a WWI crate anyway. ;)

5. Blend and fade everything... the simplist of weathering is color fading. That's as easy as using a little desaturation (if you don't have the option, choose the color side that closer to gray/white.... so if it's red, it's more of a grayish red...etc.), use a little less layer opacity, like 80% usually looks very good.


I hope that helps a little! I too am looking forward to the new options of flying your own skins. It's been a long time coming and it is something that will seperate OFF from all others... and I think finally convince the old RB3D nay-sayers that we have finally broken out of the last CFS3 chains holding us back.


All the best,



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clapping.gif Widowmaker: Wow How did ya do it? Would luv an individual skin. I am kinda computer dense so if anyone answeres this keep it simple please. Thanks Carrickgood.gif

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Hi carrick


Basically you need a paint program such as Photoshop (paint.net is a free version)


Provided it has an option to select a certain area (say an entire top wing) you can copy it, and paste it into another aircraft's skin.


Move the cropped wing over the original, and save the file.


Have a quick look through the skinning section for more info

(I might try and make a demo video and stick it on youtube)

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OvS: I too am looking forward to the new options of flying your own skins. It's been a long time coming and it is something that will seperate OFF from all others...


Besides the fact, that BHaH is anyway far beyond anything else. :cool:


But yes - it will be another superstep for even more immersion, and it'll REALLY make me happy! :good:

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Boy's it's about time you started flying MP, we are all ready using individaul ace skins and flying campaign missions its a hoot....

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My ordered parts have arrived, Red Dog, so I should have the new rig ready soon.

All I still need is a Fritz box then.

Then I will try it. I don't think, I would fly more than one mission though - I feel usually

exhausted after one mission, when I met enemy fighters.

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Great Olham we need more flyers this side of the pond you will love it, the campaigns are the one's we fly in the single player mode but your Sqd/jasta is full of real pilots.

At the moment we are flying as jasta 4 november 1917 till Jan 1918 a 3 month campaign.

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You're also flying in November? Our DiD Campaign also does, but I have almost enough

of this s**tty wheather every day, in campaign, and when I walk out the door -

grey skies and rain, rain, rain...

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