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Blackadder Final Sceene

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After the other Blackadder post I thought I would post this.. Always a moving sceene especially being what today is.

Final Sceene

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damn hell of a end for a show.


i've seen two scenes of blackadder now(the first was in iraq, the scene where rowan atkinson explains the procedure for stepping on a mine) how long has this show run? where can i find it besides youtube? streaming video moves kinda slow in this part of the world. and finally please excuse my ignorance but what is today?

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Hi Daddy..well, it's getting a bit long in the tooth now (was screened during the 90's)

You can probably find the series on DVD on Amazon or something

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It was a series that ran in, I believe, the 1980's on BBC and it played on BBC America for a while, though not recently. The set is available on DVD from various souces. I've seen it on e-bay and I believe Amazon.com offers it as well.


It was four arcs of six or eight shows each, each set in a different time frame of British history (middle ages, Elizabethan, GeorgeIII right after the American Revolution, and WWI), ostensibly following the descendants of the original BlacK Adder, idiot second son of the king. In each incarnation the main character was a little farther down the social ladder. Each arc ended with all the main characters dying (making the descendant aspect admittedly hard to rectify since he always died childless). The first three were all played for laughs, but the finale of "Blackadder Goes Forth" was one of the most powerful statements about the waste of war that has ever been commited to film, IMO. It always chokes me up.

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i appreciate it Widowmaker. and von Baur   caught your post after this went up orig.

Edited by daddyairplanes

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damn hell of a end for a show.


i've seen two scenes of blackadder now(the first was in iraq, the scene where rowan atkinson explains the procedure for stepping on a mine) how long has this show run? where can i find it besides youtube? streaming video moves kinda slow in this part of the world. and finally please excuse my ignorance but what is today?



Blackadder Ran for 4 series each with 6 episodes.


Series one - The Black Adder - set in medieval england

Series two - Blackadder the second - Set in Tudor England (queen elizabeth etc..)

Series Three - Blackadder the Third - Set in Regency england (Prince George, colonial times)

Series four - Blackadder goes forth - Set in WW1



Today is rememberance sunday, the British equivalent of veterans day. People buy paper poppys to wear in their lapel and lay wreaths at war memorials.

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Also not so well known....


Blackadder's Christmas Carrol (one off special rework of the dickens story)


Blackadder the Cavalier years (one of special for charity)


Blackadder Back and forth (modern day blackadder visits his ancestors)

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Yes, the final episode of "Blackadder Goes Forth" gets to me every time I watch it. A very poignant way to end that particular comedy series, and I always felt it was in perfect keeping with Rowan Atkinson's character.



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And if Lt. George (Goes Forth):



and Prince Regent George (the Third):



and even the German villian in the final episode of II (couldn't find a pic) looks familiar, it's because you may be watching him now as:


House. Fantastic talent. Incredible range.

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And if Lt. George (Goes Forth):

and Prince Regent George (the Third):

and even the German villian in the final episode of II (couldn't find a pic) looks familiar, it's because you may be watching him now as:

House. Fantastic talent. Incredible range.


Damn. That's like watching The Lion in Winter and seeing where that cast (the newcomers, anyway) all ended up.

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Still can't get used to Hugh Luarie putting on that fake American accent for House.... He had the strongest British accent you will ever hear!


Might have to find a link for him and stephen fry in Jeeves and Wooster....

Edited by Stiffy

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"Jeeves and Wooster", one of my favorite series. I was also a fan of "A Bit of Fry and Laurie". Great stuff!







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Never saw "Jeeves and Wooster" but caught quite "A Bit of Fry and Laurie". Another great showcase for Hugh Laurie's talent, particularly musical. And his American accent is impeccable.

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Met Steven Fry at a charity bash once!...the man is enormous!..I am 6'1" and he towered above me!...he really is larger than Life!

One of the reasons this scene kills me is because Blackadder was always the teflon man, a snake. Always had a plan, always tried to find a loophole somehow, even if he had to trust to one of Baldrick's horrible plans. But here, he knew there was absolutely no way out, and he faced it like a man in the end.

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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