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Guest rscsjsuso5

thanks CA/poem

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Guest rscsjsuso5

heres a poem i did for free time enjoy


i thank combat ace

a site with many great flight sim mod place

i fly for the chinese air force

i would choose my level of course

my aircraft the chengdu j-10 is ready for take off from quangzhou air base

i'm ready to salute to my comrades when i put my straighten hand to my face

off i go to do a sweep over taiwan

when i take off i saw a chinese swan

my choice is of taiwan terrain

i know their will be alot of cockpit nervous pain

red crown and radar said you have reached the aerial battle destination

i look at my radar and with alot of information

i tell my squadron to fire the pili12 bvr missiles right away

as the missiles hit directly on the enemies aircrafts underbelly place and cockpit face.

my squadron and i was very successful

my wing man was also very helpful.

we downed alot of mirage aircrafts and only one left

only a quarter of my squadron was left

its a hard days of work as we afterburn home

we landed back at quangzhou airbase and celebrated with a chinese beer that has foam

thanks combat ace a poem for u guys/gals


enjoy and thanks CA/community:salute:

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a thank Combat Ace too

and we owe this place a lot




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Very cool. I think it is a first too.

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GOOD especially the foam part.

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