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Anti Aliasing not working with me

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I just checked the "Options" - yes, "AntiAliasing" setting is "0". Adjusting to "8" works wonders... I'll keep playing with that value (and might try installing the HDR as well).

Thanks again, everybody!


Interesting, I had to put "0" in mine to get my AA to work properly.



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Interesting - seems I get the best results with a high setting (8)... Keep testing...



Btw, Falcon: by telling to drop the "d3d9.dll" into the "main SF2 directory" I guess you mean to put it into the C: where the game itself (not the mods) is located, right? I'll give that one a try - let's see, if my system is "high end" enough...blink.gif

Edited by stingray77

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Hey wow - installing went flawlessly and the result is AMAZING! (Only when entering the AAA-defended area I experienced some slowdowns - but this is as before... I might try the alternative Flak-effects coming with the Expansion Pack.)


So, I can confirm that HDR runs on notebooks as well (you can see my system's specs in a post above).


Just to give it the finishing touches: what's your best recommendation for the AA-settings? As said before I have (and kept) the AA setting in the "Options"-folder at "8" and left all the files coming with the HDR as they were ("AllowAntialias=0" in Flight/enbseries.ini). The result is very pleasing (just some minor steps)...

What do YOU run?

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Interesting - seems I get the best results with a high setting (8)... Keep testing...



Btw, Falcon: by telling to drop the "d3d9.dll" into the "main SF2 directory" I guess you mean to put it into the C: where the game itself (not the mods) is located, right? I'll give that one a try - let's see, if my system is "high end" enough...blink.gif


Yep, the main directory not the mods folder.



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Hey wow - installing went flawlessly and the result is AMAZING! (Only when entering the AAA-defended area I experienced some slowdowns - but this is as before... I might try the alternative Flak-effects coming with the Expansion Pack.)


So, I can confirm that HDR runs on notebooks as well (you can see my system's specs in a post above).


Just to give it the finishing touches: what's your best recommendation for the AA-settings? As said before I have (and kept) the AA setting in the "Options"-folder at "8" and left all the files coming with the HDR as they were ("AllowAntialias=0" in Flight/enbseries.ini). The result is very pleasing (just some minor steps)...

What do YOU run?


I run a Intel dual core 3.0gighertz, 4 gig ram and a 8800gtx 768mb card. My settings are 16AA and 16q on the other setting. I use the "override" mode in the nvidia control panel to get AA to work on mine. I hafta look in for the other settings. Will look tonight if I have time.



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That info should be good enough for me to start with (although I have to downsize it a little to allow for my "weaker" rig).


Override in NVIDIA panel is self-explanatory, but what exactly do you mean by "your settings AA16 / 16q on the other setting"?

From a previous post I understand that in "options" you run AntiAliasing "0" - so you have the "16" in "AllowAntialias" in the "enbseries"?


Thanks for clarifying.



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That info should be good enough for me to start with (although I have to downsize it a little to allow for my "weaker" rig).


Override in NVIDIA panel is self-explanatory, but what exactly do you mean by "your settings AA16 / 16q on the other setting"?

From a previous post I understand that in "options" you run AntiAliasing "0" - so you have the "16" in "AllowAntialias" in the "enbseries"?


Thanks for clarifying.




I couldn't remember the other setting.. hold on I'll check on my gaming computer. Whoops got my settings mixed up. My AA is 16xQ and Anisotropic filter is 16x. I disabled the AA in the ini and use the AA settings on nvidia control panel.



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Hum, guess I still need to climb the learning curve... Will you please help me? drinks.gif What's the Q you refer to? Do you have to put "16xQ" after "AllowAntialias" in the enbseries?


Here is what I understand from your explanation:

- NVIDIA control panel set to "override" (say: not let the 3D decide, but turn on "quality" at all times)

- in the Options.INI AA set to "0"

- in the enbseries "AllowAntialias=16" (or "16xQ"?)

- in the enbseries Anisotropic filter to "16" (what does THAT mean/do?)


Did I get you right?



Then, yesterday I found out that after applying HDR (copying the .dll into the "C:.../StrikeFighters"-folder and the enbseries into /Flight) and running the game, there now is another enbseries in /Menu.

Guess the one in /Menu was created by the system/game "itself", right? Because I am quite sure it wasn't there before...


Here's what I have now - and is quite good (I just want to see "if maybe there's more" - that's why I'm such a pain on this... bye.gif):

- in the Options.INI I have entered "AntiAliasing=16"

- then these are the AA settings for the both enbseries:

the one in /Flight has "AllowAntialias=0"

and the one in /Menu "AllowAntialias=1"



At last: the little "PopUp" in the upper left in the Main Sceen refers to some "Documentation" and/or "Handbook" (for the enbseries?). There was no such coming with the HDR-mod. Where can I find one in the net?

Maybe I would understand much better if I would read that one...


Thank you for all your help heat.gif

Edited by stingray77

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Hum, guess I still need to climb the learning curve... Will you please help me? drinks.gif What's the Q you refer to? Do you have to put "16xQ" after "AllowAntialias" in the enbseries?


Here is what I understand from your explanation:

- NVIDIA control panel set to "override" (say: not let the 3D decide, but turn on "quality" at all times)

- in the Options.INI AA set to "0"

- in the enbseries "AllowAntialias=16" (or "16xQ"?)

- in the enbseries Anisotropic filter to "16" (what does THAT mean/do?)


Did I get you right?



Then, yesterday I found out that after applying HDR (copying the .dll into the "C:.../StrikeFighters"-folder and the enbseries into /Flight) and running the game, there now is another enbseries in /Menu.

Guess the one in /Menu was created by the system/game "itself", right? Because I am quite sure it wasn't there before...


Here's what I have now - and is quite good (I just want to see "if maybe there's more" - that's why I'm such a pain on this... bye.gif):

- in the Options.INI I have entered "AntiAliasing=16"

- then these are the AA settings for the both enbseries:

the one in /Flight has "AllowAntialias=0"

and the one in /Menu "AllowAntialias=1"



At last: the little "PopUp" in the upper left in the Main Sceen refers to some "Documentation" and/or "Handbook" (for the enbseries?). There was no such coming with the HDR-mod. Where can I find one in the net?

Maybe I would understand much better if I would read that one...


Thank you for all your help heat.gif


OK. I do a step by step explanation.


1) Go to the Nvidia control planel


2) Select AF to 16


3) Select AA mode to "Override"


4) Select AA to 16Q


5) Click apply


I realized that I forgot to tell you to put "0" in "AllowAntialias" as well in both ini files. By the way that's normal to see two enbseries.ini. Hopefully you'll see the AA working. As for the document that's for modding and explanation of the lines in the enbseries. If you want, I can post up the link.



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Yeah, that would be great!


And thanks for the "step by step-guide". Especially as I thought, all these adjustments would need to be made in the .INI's.

So, I'll dive into the NVIDIA control panel (just need to translate your expressions into German to find them in NVIDIA - but that should be manageable).


So thanks once again.


(Btw, as said: AA works quite well with my above settings - but I'll try to see if there's even more....... grin.gif )

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Yeah, that would be great!


And thanks for the "step by step-guide". Especially as I thought, all these adjustments would need to be made in the .INI's.

So, I'll dive into the NVIDIA control panel (just need to translate your expressions into German to find them in NVIDIA - but that should be manageable).


So thanks once again.


(Btw, as said: AA works quite well with my above settings - but I'll try to see if there's even more....... grin.gif )


I got some bad news. The enbseries site is gone. Don't know what happened. Sorry



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Well, my Russian is "a little rusted" (to say the least), but I guess you are referring to the same Russian "Error-Page" I ended up, following the linkie......


Btw, the little PopUp in the Starting Screen's upper left corner doesn't hold too much additional value after a while - is it possible to remove it? Just keep the little script from appearing?

And/or from what I read in the TW-forum, that HDR-function can be switched on/off with "Ctrl/F12" (or so) in FSX. Aside from that I cannot come up with a good reason why one would want to switch it off in-game, is that a possibility in SF2 also? (THEN - I guess - the little script's appearing would be good to know wether HDR is running or not...)


Maybe you can say something on that, too... good.gif

Edited by stingray77

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Well, my Russian is "a little rusted" (to say the least), but I guess you are referring to the same Russian "Error-Page" I ended up, following the linkie......


Btw, the little PopUp in the Starting Screen's upper left corner doesn't hold too much additional value after a while - is it possible to remove it? Just keep the little script from appearing?

And/or from what I read in the TW-forum, that HDR-function can be switched on/off with "Ctrl/F12" (or so) in FSX. Aside from that I cannot come up with a good reason why one would want to switch it off in-game, is that a possibility in SF2 also? (THEN - I guess - the little script's appearing would be good to know wether HDR is running or not...)


Maybe you can say something on that, too... good.gif


Don't know how to remove that text. I think its best to leave it on because w/o it you wouldn't know if the mod is working or not. That's my opinion anyway. Besides it'll disappear in few seconds anyway



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Back with results:

Interesting - it was new to me, that NVIDIA-panel allows to assign settings to programs - cool! grin.gif


So, adding SF2V to the list, disabling the game's AA-presets and entering 16x for anisotropic filtering and 16xQ AA (plus setting the game's AA-entries (in Options and the two enbseries in /Flight and /Menu) back to "0" - although I guess this would not be necessary) produces outstanding results.

I would say the AA-effect is much the same as the "16" setting in the Options but the 16x AF does very well. clapping.gif


I did a lot of testing/checking for slowdowns, but I didn't "see" any - which brings me to my next question: how do you guys get the FPS displayed on the screen? (I saw that on a couple of pictures added to performance-related-posts.)

Maybe that's a total newbie-question, but - sorry - it's totally unknown to me... bye.gif




One strange thing I noticed with the new settings: when hitting the "Shift"-key in the game (splash screen, pilot data or while flying - doesn't matter, it's on every screen) the picture gets "overexposed" somehow - all the lighter areas "whiteout" with a lot of "halo"-effect... Hitting "Shift" another time returns all this to normal. (While in the game one might experience/interpret this as opening the tinted visor of the flight-helmet...)

It's a bit bugging when in-flight you change a setting by keys "Shift+something" and you get this "flashing" effect.........


This certainly is strange - any idea what this might come from? Or, do YOU experience something similar? Finally: how can THAT be solved?

(I already checked the settings in Options/Controls/Customize: there is nothing assigned to the "Shift"-key alone...)



Thanks - AGAIN - for your help. drinks.gif

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I just read about the "Bloom" and other similar effects in the "Speed-Boost"-thread accompanying the HDR-mod... Sounds like that might be it.


That still leaves me puzzled: did you fix sth. about that (presumably some setting different from that in the standard enbseries), and why the heck is that one triggered with the "Shift"-key only??? If I could reprogram that effect to some other key (not frequently used) it would be of benefit already...


Concerning the fps, I downloaded FRAPS to try out. Do you use other proggys and what's your opinion?

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to show of FPS in the screen press Alt+D or Ctrl + D cant remember the exact stock since I reasigned my keys. But look for HUD toggle in the options

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Hmm, you getting the bloom by just hitting shift key? Did you mess the settings in the enbseries ini's? I turned the bloom off in the ini's. Anyway you should check out TK's latest patch. He fixed the stuttering and the game is now real smooth.


To get the FPS counter, "ALT D" is the default key for it. Need to press it twice to go to your normal hud settings.



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Hi guys - thanks for the Alt+D! I will try out and check... (The FRAPS might be useful for recording flights, but I will drop software I don't use, if it doesn't fully convince me... The Alt+D is exactly what I looked for initially.)


And concerning the bloom (if that IS bloom) - utmost astonishingly it was away, when trying yesterday! ...Just away...

Yes, before it showed when hitting the Shift-key ONLY (and, no, I didn't do anything to the enbseries, except for changing the AllowAntialias-settings before). Now, nothing happens on Shift alone. And I didn't change anything - just put the system to "sleep" for the night... Very strange...


But I might play a bit with the settings, though.


What "latest patch" do you you refer to, Falcon?

I downloaded and applied the HDR Mod 1.01A (and my SF2V is on "May 2009b") - is there any other update or patch to applied over that?



Thanks again for helping! good.gif

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Do you have SF2 Israel? The patch is for it and the patch will update the other SF2 titles automatically IF you got SF2 Israel. If not don't D/L the patch.



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No, I have SF2V - standalone...


Hum, sounded promising you stating the patch fixes "the stuttering" - guess you mean the "partial reload of scenery thus making it look - well - stuttering".

But at least good to know that it's in the game and not related to hardware or settings... And maybe (HOPEFULLY) TK will come up with a fix for the other games/standalones, too... (Will he???)


Guess this is the end of this thread as I got my probs fixed - thanks to you guys! good.gif

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No, I have SF2V - standalone...


Hum, sounded promising you stating the patch fixes "the stuttering" - guess you mean the "partial reload of scenery thus making it look - well - stuttering".

But at least good to know that it's in the game and not related to hardware or settings... And maybe (HOPEFULLY) TK will come up with a fix for the other games/standalones, too... (Will he???)


Guess this is the end of this thread as I got my probs fixed - thanks to you guys! good.gif


No he will not because the patch for latest games will update the others by default if you got the latest game from TW.




PS if you buy the rest, they will be up-to-date specs though, TK always update the games in the online store.

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So, we're not yet done - I see... no.gif


If I buy and add SF2I merged with SF2V, I would get rid of that stuttering in both games...? Quite an idea, seeing the price of SF2I. (Then I just need to find out, if SF2I works with my SF2V with the Air/Ground War Expansion Pack already applied, and if I can install SF2I right over the existing or would need to re-install all again...)

Btw: anybody knows if the workability with Vista's Aero is incorporated (with SF2I) yet? (Good question for the TW-forum, I guess.)



edit: I just re-read the ReadMe coming with the Expansion Pack, which says that applying the XP to a merged install of SF2V and SF2I can lead to several issues - so it is not recommended...... Seeing this, I guess, I will stick to my stuttering but extensively enhanced SF2V XP......



Another question about Alt D: I tried yesterday but nothing showed up! I thought it might be differences between US- and European-keyboard-layouts, but the D is the very same key (same position on board)... So that's not it...

Do you have some application that is triggered to show the fps with Alt+D?

Edited by stingray77

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I just checked the game's manual again: Alt D is listed there as to display the HUD... ???

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ALT D works on mine. Seems you have alot of problems in your game. ALT D toggles the HUD (not the jet's hud mind you) and displays the FPS counter. As for merging SF2I with SF2V, that I don't know. I have all of the SF2 series to date and installed them in order. You could have a "clean" merged install in a different directory. Read the SF2 KB for details.




PS. I re key the ALT D for simple fast key "h" because I'm disabled and my fingers can't reach far :biggrin:. You could re key it like for example ALT H or something.

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Hi Falcon - see me puzzled: yesterday I was having that "Shift-thing" again...


After taking off from a carrier, I adjusted the radar and played around a little (see if I could acquire a target) when - suddenly (at least I didn't NOTICE that before) - hitting Shift changed the brightness-setting again... Maybe that was related to some key-combination I hit mistakenly (do you know of any working with the HDR or enbseries?)

That same effect (like over-exaggerated bloom and an overall very/too bright picture) was back in the Main Screens, also.

To furtherly check, after I finished flying, I restarted my computer and then that "Shift-thing" was gone again and I didn't happen to reproduce it by hitting keys in that "radar-key-area"....... Now wtf???


But interesting news:

As long as I was flying, I found out about Alt+D - seems it works in cycles: from the "base"-view with the set of plane-information in the lower left, radar in the upper right and target-info (if any) in the lower right, hitting Alt D once adds the FPS (for graphics and game veeery fast changing values, and the top/lowest values plus delta below) and hitting it again gets you rid of these. Alt D another time brings back the "base"-view.......

(Btw: I'm getting between 7 and 15 something frames - rather low figures, but I have quite a smooth display except for the "stuttering" grounds. So I'm not unhappy with those...)

I wasn't smart enough to check Alt-D after restarting the computer - so I don't know, if that might have gone with the "Shift-issue". I have a hard time to believe I couldn't find about Alt+D when I checked the day before... Hint to some problem there, maybe?



Now, assuming, I might have "hit some key", do you happen to have some of the programmer's enbseries-description to send me, maybe?

And if you could post (or send) your enbseries-entries that would help me, too, I guess. I could adjust values accordingly to start trying... (Before rolling back to "before-HDR" as the next step.)

Actually I did not experience ANY problem of the above (okay, I didn't check about the Alt+D cool.gif ) before I applied the HDR, which brang up that strange Shift-issue...



Concerning the SF2I, merged install with SF2V and have the Expansion Pack, Eric clearly states that they have been running into trouble with this combination which they have not been able to fully solve. So I'm quite reluctant to apply SF2I as well...


Thanks again


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