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gotha nite

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id there is an intrest i will host a gotha nite this friday either during the eving or afternoonfor the europe boys wil decide onthe response

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Would love it, but Friday won't work at all for me. Possibly mid-afternoon Saturday at the earliest.

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Same here... would love to, but Friday is most likely a no-go. When you get a time, post it and I'll make it if I can.


And thanks for the offer.

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Hi stump, i'll be able to make friday just give me a time....Salute.gif

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Stumper, I have a couple of Gotha missions also. I do have a Gotha practice mission It's bombing ships right off the coast. We've flown it before and it's a good way to learn the Gotha.


I could send it to you if you want. Let me know!

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Sounds a great idea but the time is unlikely to be suitable - perhaps you should run this on a Sunday to give Vasco a break some time?

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I don't think Vasco want's to take a break!heat.gif

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Ya I don't think he does ether, Saturday would work for me also.



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ok guys how baout sat nite around 7pm easter time us


Thats 6pm Central time.

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Can do friday, cant do saturday. But you can't please everyone all the time. grin.gif


I'd be up for an impromptu game today (fri.) if anyone else is available and interested. Otherwise ill catch ya on sunday.



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Its 730 here, and with some luck i could be finished by 830. What time did you have in mind,,,,


I can make any promises,,but if i can get on I will

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ok ihave 8 gothas avable please make sure you have the search lites installed if you want the full effect please in fatc go ahead an dl the newest effects package avvable at the usal spot on the black haze server in the over flanders fields breining channel info

Edited by stumpjumper

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Here's a couple of picks from the mission...






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