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I'm trying to repaint the MF Nesher with the colours of the SA Mirage IIICZ using an already existing skins, it worled pretty well, but It have problems in the radome area.




Anyone know where is that piece in the skin so I can paint it black?

Also the markings of the SAAF are not a Springbook? I have an eagle there :this:




Thanks in advance!

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Hi Stratos,


I have already made a mirage IIICZ with an updated skin pack(available at check-six), included the Springbook's roundel.


For your problem, see below for the nose area



If I can help,

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I can see that PGC is on the case but a good tip is to copy the bitmap that works and lay your re-paint on top (re-scale if necessary) and compare the differences by clicking the upper layer on and off.

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I can see that PGC is on the case but a good tip is to copy the bitmap that works and lay your re-paint on top (re-scale if necessary) and compare the differences by clicking the upper layer on and off.


even better, play with opacity of the new layer (set on top of the other), and erase was not right.....


and although this is not my area of expertise, I think you can get rid of the blade antennas with some ini edition

Edited by sony tuckson

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I solved the skin problem thanks!! I'm now trying to download the PGC skins from C6. Is that a Mirage IIIS on your avatar?? Will be cool to have it one day for SF, love that canards

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...Is that a Mirage IIIS on your avatar?? Will be cool to have it one day for SF, love that canards


Nope ! It's the only one "CS" bought by the Swiss for the development of their mirage weapon system (Taran + Falcon missile)



Will be cool to have it one day for SF, love that canards


Definitely ! TMF have worked on a new mirage III model with many versions, include the "S".


Saguanay have painted a skin for this beauty and shared some screen-shots at check-six forum, like this one :




But now, Olivier has gone away, then, what is the status of the model ? :dntknw:

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Please PGC check your PM


done... :salute:

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