Siggi 10 Posted December 19, 2009 User's choice I guess? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Olham 164 Posted December 19, 2009 Maybe too early to fix that - I want to give "Historical" a try over the weekend. But I have two rigs now. On the old one is my campaign pilot, and he'll fly on with the old AI, until I know a safe way, how to transpose him to the new. As you are the DiD inventor, you shall have the last word on that. I'll play it any way you fix it. but check it out first, and a lot, before you decide. Until then, I'd think everyone could fly as he wants? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rickitycrate 10 Posted December 19, 2009 Historical sounds right Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bullethead 12 Posted December 19, 2009 Siggi- I appreciate your asking our opinion, so here's my VERY LIMITED opinion at this point. I am just now starting an "apples to apples" comparison as best I can, HitR 1.46. That means flying Fees with 20 Squadron in Bloody April, because I've done that MANY times. I might have flown other planes more since, but never so many times in the same squadron. Thus, I think I have a good impression of what the old AI did. I am doing this test with the "realistic" AI. I have only so far done 1 sortie. In this one, my flight of 5 Fees was bounced while still having 95% fuel by 3 higher Alb D.IIIs. We shot down 2 of them for no damage to any of our planes. See my lasted in the "Reports from the Front" thread for details. This is, of course, as yet an entirley indadequate sample size, but already the contrast between the new "realistic" AI and the old one is extreme. In the old days, I'd have been lucky to have been the sole survivor of my flight. That guy I posted in the "Best Dead Pilots" thread had a harder life than most, but only because he kept surviving horrible crashes. Most of my tries at this with the old AI only lasted 5 sorties or so, and were always shot up to some extent if they got in a fight. Anyway, at this point I'm not particularly impressed with the "realistic" AI. But it's early days. We'll see what MvR and his boys have in store for me. I'm sure I'll meet him eventually if I live long enough--I nearly always have before. And if this 1 hop is anything to go on, I shouldn't have much problem (besides how gust affect fully fueled Fees) living that long. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siggi 10 Posted December 19, 2009 Well, I'm going to run mine on Historic and see how it goes. Everyone else can suck all the modes and see how they taste and we'll reach a consensus later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siggi 10 Posted December 19, 2009 Bloody hell, vicious little buggers. I did a 12 vs 12 in Quick Scenarios (Camel vs Dr1) and they were like Rottweilers. Some stayed high for a while, others went for the deck. The Dr1s did their usual yo-yoing but seemed able to still get on my tail and pour on the lead. This was on Historic AI. I got one kill but it was extremely hard work. It's going to take some extensive campaign flying to get a proper picture though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siggi 10 Posted December 19, 2009 Historic AI, april 1917, QC, 1 Se5 vs 6 Ace Alb Dv, what a bunch of wimps. Stayed high, floated around with not a lot of interest in me. It's weird to say the least how the AI is so aggressive and tenacious in the Quick Scenarios but so passive in QC. Is this the random thing that's been introduced, or is QC coded differently to the QS and campaign? I'm not going to do any more QC and QS, it's all doing my head in. I will stick with historic and fly my campaign and take it as it comes and see how I feel about it after a good number of encounters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Olham 164 Posted December 19, 2009 For campaign set to "Historical", they say they have a done it so, that early on you get the more passive, lurking new AI, and it will mix more and more into the old, more aggressive AI towards the later war time. For QC, you may just get a random choice. I never thought anyway, that campaign and QC could be compared. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RAF_Louvert 103 Posted December 19, 2009 . I'm running "historical" setting at the moment myself. Just flew a campaign mission with the 147th and my N28 was jumped by six DR1's. It was all I could do to find a place to land my kite before it was shot to pieces. The Kaiser's fliegers where VERY aggressive. Even kept strafing me once I had set down in a field near an Allied obs balloon. Now I'm a bit apprehensive about going back up. Might have to resort to some liquid courage. . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rickitycrate 10 Posted December 19, 2009 Any assessments of A/I I do will be in campaign as that matters more to be than QC. I'm starting out with "historical" and it will take some time and a number of missions to firm up an opinion. So far I've been taking hits but not shredded to pieces by the terminator. I see better elevation from the A/I but so far not as aggressive and the furballs last longer. So nothing new that no one else has reported. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites