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Razbam skyraiders

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Just bought the syraiders from razbam as part of their sale mentioned in therir forum or megapack with other addons. They are nice but has anyone tried to convert to sf2 standards? i noticed 2 things that stand out with them. the rotatingproperller is not there and the cockpits exterior does not show or cockpit glass on some of them ae invisble. Does anyone know how to corrct these or are they data.ini tweaks? I think these skyraiders are discontinued products as azbam is going sf2 route. othr than that, they are aewsome.

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I got mine yesterday for Christmas. Currently I have converted the A-1E to SF2. the others is still in process. You'll need to put the tga's for the prop and canopy in the skins folder. Or they wont show.

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Hi, which one is canopy tga? I see the props tga. there are 2. i am fiddling with the E variant. So they all go into the 3 skins that are in main foldr?

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You'll need the tga's named PROP and PROPS the canopy is part of the PROPS tga.


In the data ini you need replace the values for the canopy. Like this






Setting[1].DeployValue=10.0 <-------- I swapped these to this.

Setting[1].RetractValue=15.0 <--------





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You can also convert the canopy to an animation key (shift/0), instead of using the auto speed.


The replacement statement would be:








Also, double check the tailwheel MaxSteeringAngle=


if it's a negative number; ie: MaxSteeringAngle=-35 or some such, you'll need to make it a positive angle




or you're wingmates will have "issues" taxing.




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I have problem with LAU-3/A Rocket Pod but only left and one! After all other rockets have been fired there is only one non-fired pod, and after jettison weap. they are in the air?! but still under wing. What to do to fix it? (Razbam A-1H, WOV, last patch, last weap-pack)



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Read through this thread:




Look for the part about re-numbering the "bombay". (I actually think that you can just delete the entire bombay, if you use the canopy fix listed above, but try that at your own risk). I had heavily modded the Razbam A-1's to fix some things I didn't like about them, but I abandoned those when SF2 came out including A-1's.

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