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Porting SF2 stuff to SF1

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I put way to much time in making an ultimate Wings over everything install after the oct 2008 patches were released. So many tweaks to terrains, planesets, skins, weapons, CAT archives. Guess I enjoy modding more then playing games ;) 90% is stock models and artwork though, 10% from Combatace and myself.


I am quite happy with it and am not up to jumping into SF2 yet. Mostly because of two reasons: I would never be able to resist tweaking SF2 to the same extend, and I don't have the time available for doing so. Second I noticed the loading times are 2x longer for each mission? Also my system is not really welcoming the higher res skins and models. (99% of my skins are currently 512x512). So it is no verdict on SF2, just a personal choice for the time being.


Now a year later the SF2 series have been taking up all the ThirdWire efforts. I purchased SF2 to check out the engine, and later SF2E just to extract all these beautiful new skins and move them to my SF1 install.


I applied the december 2009 update nonetheless, and noticed a suprising change; Some of the aircraft models in SF2E are no longer in the new LOD format, but in the original SF1 LOD format. This enabled me to put the following SF2 Third-wire aircraft in SF1: MiG-17PF, MiG-23ML, MiG-23MLA, MiG-23MLD, and a proper MiG-21BIS. They work 100%, I am having a blast with the new MiG-23's! the Corsair A-7D and MiG21S can also be imported but I haven't done so yet.


Now I must warn you; Adding additional skins from SF2E is easy, but the Aircraft are not easy to do.

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I originally felt the same way about switching to series 2 and eventually made the switch with the big modders focusing on SF2. I've ported over everything I have, it was alot of work.


I didn't think the changes were that big at first, but moving to the SF2 series is really worth it. In Windows 7 it runs more beautifully than WOE ever did, decals aside (why oh why did he have to screw with that?) everything else is easier to install.

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Why go backwards? Makes ZERO sense.

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I guess going backwards is the new Standard :blink: Besides, I like missing all the new enhancements TK has been working on to give a more stable Platform than the Strike Fighters Project 1 Engine that is Eight Years old............



Sometimes, Why ask why? just doesn't cut it..........

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I wrote down my reasons did I not?

If that ain't enough just try to understand that I am a Fool, and proud of it :salute:.

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I meant overall gerwin, didnt say you were a fool. But you do need to move forward. Just the way it is, all the work you are spending backwards processing could be used to move forward with the new series. Spinning your wheels. Just my opinion. However it is a good observation you did make.

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I meant overall gerwin, didnt say you were a fool. But you do need to move forward. Just the way it is, all the work you are spending backwards processing could be used to move forward with the new series. Spinning your wheels. Just my opinion. However it is a good observation you did make.

I was just joking, I hope ;)

Honestly, I am tempted to just mod a Merged SF2 installation and buy a new system for it, but I cannot do so in the months to come, nope.

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I wrote down my reasons did I not?

If that ain't enough just try to understand that I am a Fool, and proud of it :salute:.



I'm Joking just the same.... :grin: And I can understand that You are a "Proud Fool"...... :rofl:

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