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Baltika (China, Korea, Russia, Japan... Map WIP?)

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Broken my intentions already. Progress update:-




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Campaign Files (Air War only) completed. Here's the backstory:-


Kamchatka Peninsula, Far East, 2010


The discovery of a vast oilfield in the Sea of Okhotsk brings the promise of great wealth and prosperity to this remote region. The largely non-Russian population is vocal in pressing for independence. These claims are flatly denied by the Kremlin, which refuses to allow the disintegration of the Russian Federation and the loss of the massive mineral wealth and strategic importance of the area.


The situation is brought to crisis point when the Far East Military District Generals unilaterally declare independence from Moscow, and claim sovereignty over the Eastern Russian Empire. With military resources stretched to breaking point, and having suffered the mutiny of the entire Eastern Command, Moscow thinks the unthinkable and seeks United States military assistance in stabilising the region.


America is reluctant to be drawn into a bloody Russian civil war, but when Japan takes advantage of the situation by occupying the long-disputed southern Kuril Islands, the Eastern Russian Generals order an all-out offensive to maintain the borders of their new Empire.


With the blessing of the UN and Moscow, the President orders USFJ Command to protect civilian lives, destroy enemy air assets, and comply with treaty obligations by assisting in the defence of Japan. . .



Air war features all USN (CVW-5), USAF (44th & 67th FS (F-15C); 13th & 14th FS (F-16C Blk 50)), and USMC (VMFA(AW)-242 "Bats") units stationed in the area. All JASDF units are flyable. Red Side consists of the air units of: 11th VVS & PVO Army (Far East Military District), flying SU-24M, SU-35 (too good to miss out), MiG-31M, SU-27; the Russian Naval Aviation Units of Pacific Ocean Fleet, flying TU-22K and TU-95M (as stand-ins for TU-22M3 and TU-142), plus 387 IAP flying TMF's MiG-29C_rus.


Still to be done:-


Airfield flattening and alignment

Adding selected air units of 14th VVS & PVO Army (Siberian Military District)

Adding ground war

Basic terrain targetisation (sorry Wrench, this won't be pretty, but it will work)

Fine-tuning front line for disputed Southern Kuril Islands

Adding terrain_movement routes for all mission types

Adding more Russian airbases on Sakhalin

Adding more Japanese cities

Adding Naval Bases for all forces


What won't make the first cut:-


Anything to do with China, North or South Korea. Sorry, but I had to draw the line there as I want to keep this manageable on a short timescale.


Cheers for now,






Baltika, what is the status of this WIP? Can't wait to use the RoKAF and JSDAF on your Map?

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Actively being worked on.


I have a "preview" map covering a section of the main map which is at terrain targetisation stage, i.e. tileset completed, citylist completed, airfield flattening completed, movement.ini for frontline, ground attack routes, shipping, truck routes etc etc completed, terrain tiling completed, custom planning maps completed. Targetisation is . . . progressing :blink:


As for the main map, it is still at compilation of Citylist stage, so cities and airbases are still being plotted. It has a ways to go, and while the Korean peninsula is within "the wall," as I mentioned I think China and Korea will not be the focus of the initial release.


TK has recently mentioned that he has been working on a new terrain engine which will not use the current TE or data, which is very exciting, but has given me an incentive to knock most of my advertised terrain WIPs into a workable state for release.


Targetisation is the really slow part of the process.


So watch this space.





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Baltika; don't forget that 'easy targetization mission' I posted in the KB ... it REALLY saves time, even if you stil have to write down the offsets and then transfer to the targets ini.


just until swambast gets his tool online



kevin stein

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Thank you for the updates :salute: Looking forward to your MAP!



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Baltika; don't forget that 'easy targetization mission' I posted in the KB ... it REALLY saves time, even if you stil have to write down the offsets and then transfer to the targets ini.


just until swambast gets his tool online



kevin stein


Yup, that mission now features heavily on my terrain building install of WoE :good:


Glad to hear swambast's work is still progressing - last I heard there had been an HDD crash which caused some data loss. His targeting placement tool will be greatly appreciated :cool:

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Any chance of showing some updates on these terrains? Thanks

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Looking forward to your modern Japanese Terrain :salute:

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Hi guys,


Kamchatka terrain is a preview of the full-scale Japan/Kurils/China/Russia/Korea terrain I somehwat ambitiously posted wip screenies of ages ago, and then realised I had bitten off way, way too much in one go.


Next terrain release from me will be from the other side of the world entirely.


But the big Japan terrain may emerge at some point, as I did a fair bit of airfield/city plotting on that map which would be a shame to waste.


Cheers for the interest :good:



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