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Hmmm Red Arrows...

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Its crazy most display teams use frontline fighter jets i.e. Blue Angels F/A-18 etc I cant wait to see the Red Arrows flying in Eurofighters like that will ever happen...




So here's a movie with the Arrows


Inspired by the Blue Angels Video...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Its crazy most display teams use frontline fighter jets i.e. Blue Angels F/A-18 etc I cant wait to see the Red Arrows flying in Eurofighters like that will ever happen...




So here's a movie with the Arrows


Inspired by the Blue Angels Video...


Its more than likely down to cost. Sadly our Government doesn't treasure all that makes Britain great and there have often been rumours circulating that funding was to be cut until strong public support was shown and then it quietens down again.

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Its more than likely down to cost. Sadly our Government doesn't treasure all that makes Britain great and there have often been rumours circulating that funding was to be cut until strong public support was shown and then it quietens down again.


Of that I know I spent 10 years in the services... I was meaning what the Red's do in Trainers is amazing be brilliant if they could be given the keys to the Eurofighters to see how they do...

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I have never seen the Red Arrows. I would love to though. Also the Snowbirds as well.

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Seen the Arrows quite a few times and I must admit they are damn impressive...

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Well, when i was 16, in summer 2006, i had the chance to get to an international air show close to home, and i can tell that, beyond Patrulla Aguila (Spain, CASA C-101), Red Arrows (UK, BAe HAWK), Frecce Tricolori (Italy, MB-339 ) and Patrouille de France (guess where from, Alpha Jet), the most impressive display was by the Patrouille Souisse, (Switzerland F-5Es), and people i talked to favoured, as i did, solo displays, particulary those of Spanish EF2000 and Harrier, French Mirage 2000 and Dutch F-16, so i guess the aircraft performance makes a difference.


Perhaps making a Typhoon aerobatic patrol while the aircraft is still being delivered is a bit hairy, but having higher performance patrols wouldn´t hurt. In example, we had a team wich flew Mirage IIEE, on the same wing years ago.


Aerobatic patrols fly trainers as far as their pilots are instructors, here it is not rare to see their aircraft in usual training duties, i wouldn´t be surprised to learn that the RAF, AdA and AMI do the same

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I had the priveledge to see the red arrows at RIAT 2009. Im not being biased but I certaintly felt they were the best display team on the day. You could see the difference in precision between each of the aerobatic moves. I would love to see the Blue angels though as the F-18 is one of my favorite aircraft.





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Seen them more times than I care to remember (even going back to the Folland Gnat days)

They are very good, and always nice to see...an airshow aint an airshow without the Reds

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Haven't seen the Red Arrows yet, though they were in the area a few years ago. The Snowbirds put on a pretty good show, even if it isn't all 'zoom & boomb'. It's pretty impressive what they do with NINE aircraft.

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