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I looked through the Utilities/Tools/Patches areas of downloads for both Gens, but didn't find anything like it.


I'm looking for something more reminiscent of the IL2 QMB (Quick Mission Builder), or even the LOMAC version (can't recall what that was called now though) - something that lets you pick your plane, your flight, the opposition plane(s) (in both type and number) and set the AI levels for friendly and enemy, choose weather, starting alt, differential (who has an alt advantage and how much), even perhaps more fancy options like LOMAC where you can choose head on, tail chase, being chased, etc.


Basically something like Instant Action but with settings that I can tweak.


The Create Mission feature rocks. It's like the UQMG (I think made by Lowengrin) for IL2 on 'roids. But sometimes you really just want to grab any plane and go up against any other plane (say MiG vs MiG, or non-fighter sweep authorized planes like the F-5 or Expansion Pack 2.0 modified F-100, or whatever), and don't always want to have a full blown mission surrounding it either.


I was just curious if there is such a thing out there. :)

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Not really. KMD or Le Missioner will get you close. But there is nothing that is integrated into the TW front end or is as easy to use.



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It's something people (especially me) have been asking for. 2 things the game still lacks and it would otherwise be perfect:

1. quick mission builder and 2.being able to switch to other seats for multi crew planes.

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Hear hear, I agree too, would make life a bit easier...

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Having said that, once you get the hang of it, I find KMD pretty quick. It has some quirky features but once you know them, things speed up. Sure, it is not like Il-2 but I have had hours of excitement from my own KMD-generated missions. Many of the parameters you are looking for are there: you can pick your plane(s), the size and skill of the flight, its formation, the weather, AI levels for planes and SAM systems, targets, etc. Sometimes you have to set one aircraft at a time, e.g. B52s sometimes plunge around like bucking broncos if you put them in a flight of 4 or 8. You can also have carrier takeoffs, no problems, ships blasting at enemy aircraft. I have had a reconstruction of the Higbee incident from Vietnam when NVAF Mig-17s attacked the Higbee and were shot down by missiles from US ships. It can be a little frustrating at times but I have found the community here really helpful (as well as the Knowledge Base and search function). One key thing to do is to just have a look at the mission in notepad before you complete it. Sometimes you have to tweak a mission at that stage. You also get some funky effects you never intended and may want to keep. I have had some really testing knife fights between Crusaders and Mig-17s and Mig-19s. But when the MiGs go home, you can stalk them and blow them away as they make their approach landing.


But, yep, it is hard to beat Il-2 for mission magic.

Edited by SandyC

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I've downloaded the last version of Le Missionneur.

There are some cool features there, but it can't see my SF2 combo installation! :dntknw:

Is there a way to use it in SF2 series?

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