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In the file environment.ini i found the lines:







Does it mean, that if i set Acceleration=0 i can make a space sim?

Opens this horizons for a X-Wing mod or a Klingon vs Starfleet mod? :dntknw:

Edited by Gepard

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The only problem (because I have played with this parameter) is that the AI can't handle it.



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It is interesting to watch the AI try, though :grin:

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Where do I find that file?


and if setting the gravity affect flight characteristics. Does that mean if we reduce the gravity by 50%, you can zoom straight up with an F-15 on full burner?

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The parameter affects gravity like you think it would. It does not do global effects (ie in real life, the air would be much less dense) but other than that, you could set up a dogfight on Mars. Again though, the AI couldn't handle it.



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kevin stein

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