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Von Paulus

Some Photos of theGreat War

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      Mostly interesting, thanks for sharing!








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Thanks Von Paulis! Some very good pics there, and not just the airwar, but all the other aspects covered.

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I love old photo's like those.


But for the fact there was a war on, so many avenues of opportunity were opening up. It amazes me the things we now take for granted when you see how these 'contraptions' not only amazed but inspired the people who saw them.


It seems to me the spirit of inventiveness was everywhere, in travel, in flight, in railways, in shipping, cars, ... everywhere, but unlike today, back then it seemed to drag the people along with it.


You had airships trying to cross the Atlantic in1919, massive ocean liners the like of Titanic, you'd the Flying Scotsman steam engine making the run from London to Edinburgh non-stop, (it didn't break it's 100mph record until 1934), but massive crowds of ordinary people would line up just to catch a glimpse of the spectacle.


Less than 90 years later, easily living memory, we have planes like the massive Airbus A380, cruise liners more than twice the displacement of Titanic, and all with such marvelous technology which is absolutely mind blowing if you think about it. It would be easy to say we're not as inventive as we were back then, and yet we are, even more so. We have mobile phones, Ipods, PC's, which fall out of date as soon as we buy them.


The thing I don't understand is what seems to be our modern ambivalence to it all. We all seem to take such things for granted. The fastest, the biggest, the first, etc just doesn't seem to interest anybody anymore. It seems to me our lives are ruled from top to bottom by money, and there's something terribly sad and hollow about it. We can and do have the biggest, fastest and best of everything, but all we seem to care about is the cheapest.

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The thing I don't understand is what seems to be our modern ambivalence to it all. We all seem to take such things for granted. The fastest, the biggest, the first, etc just doesn't seem to interest anybody anymore. It seems to me our lives are ruled from top to bottom by money, and there's something terribly sad and hollow about it. We can and do have the biggest, fastest and best of everything, but all we seem to care about is the cheapest.

Some call it Globalization, I prefer to call mediocracy. One way or another you're right. At least in my country, I see it in every corner of the Portuguese society.

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Fine pictures, Von Paulus, thanks for sharing!

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