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Youtube thingy about Strutters thats the Sopwith variety of course...

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Very interesting. I particularly liked the demonstration of how the Scarff ring worked. I see that the gun could pivot on it, which I wasn't sure of before. Also, the whole assembly could rotate very quickly and changing the elevation of the cross bar seems to have been fast, too.

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I know a thing or two about her

I know she'll only make you cry

She'll let you walk the street beside her

But when she wants she'll pass you by

Everybody says she's lookin' good

And the lady knows it's understood



She wears her satins like a lady

She gets her way just like a child

You take her home and she says: "maybe, baby"

She takes you down, and drives you wild


Everybody says she's lookin' good

And the lady knows it's understood



*Guitar Solo*


I know a thing or two about her

I know she'll only make you cry

She'll let you walk the street beside her

But when she wants, she'll pass you by


Everybody says she's lookin' good

And the lady knows it's understood










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This very video, and many others are already in OFF. Enable campaign videos in Workshop and you'll see them.


Or browse to

..\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\CamVids


"OFF_brit start Sopwith Strutter.wmv" is that one for a start.

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Cool Motown rockin' tune Bullethead. Learned that one when I was 15 or 16. Definitely gets a crowd gassed man!

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Cool Motown rockin' tune Bullethead. Learned that one when I was 15 or 16. Definitely gets a crowd gassed man!


Somehow I'm not surprised. I bet you're a fan of the Motor City Madman, too.

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Here's another view of a Scarff ring. This time on a JN-4HG.


As a bonus, in the background you get a quote from SgtMaj Dan Daly (MoH x2) reportedly said to motivate his men at Belleau Wood, 6 June 1918.


Edited by NS13Jarhead

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As a bonus, in the background you get a quote from SgtMaj Dan Daly (MoH x2)


Yup, one of my favorite Jarheads. Whenever I've had the priviledge of leading men in battle, whether against bullets or fire, I've always looked to him for inspiration. To me, he is the tribal ancestor spirit with by far the most juju. I knew this to be true before even before I'd ever heard of him, from my 1st awful night in bootcamp. After we'd been stripped, shaved, and bombarded with our gear (to be taken out of our first few dozen paychecks), they put us in a room where we filled out paperwork. Meanwhile, the receiving barracks DIs patrolled the aisles smacking recruits. And I looked up and saw a huge oil version of the attached photo, about 6 feet x 4 feet, hanging on the wall facing me. Looking up from my paper cost me a fist in the ear, but it was worth it to see this grim, grizzled, 2x MoH, 1x DSC badass mofo meeting my gaze, seemingly with approval. He was the sort of NCO I always wanted to grow up to be.


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I'm a big fan of Daly's, too. Believe it or not, I've actually handled both of his Medals of Honor before they were installed in the Marine Corps Museum. Below is a picture of both of Daly's Medals.


But I think my favorite WW I story is the one of Pvt John J. Kelly - during the battle of Blanc Mont (Oct 1918) his unit was pinned down by a German machine gun, so he ran through 100 yards of artillery barrage, knocked out the gun with his grenades and pistol, captured 8 prisoners, took them back through the 100 yards of artillery barrage and turned them over to his lieutenant, saying "see, I told you I'd take care of it". Funny thing is that when he was told that the King of England wanted to present him with a medal, being the good Catholic that he was, he said "no f***ing protestant is going to hang a medal on my chest" (I heard this directly from his niece, Mrs. Cavaleiri, who had heard the story many times from "Uncle Johnny", himself.)


Edited by NS13Jarhead

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Believe it or not, I've actually handled both of his Medals of Honor before they were installed in the Marine Corps Museum.


Then you, Sir, have received some of the juju, and I most definitely need to shake your hand, so maybe some of it will rub off on me grin.gif

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Bullethead & NS13Jarhead,


thanks for the great stories. I love it.






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Lol BH, yep we'll have to correct that in a future OFF:Rock version

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But it doesn't have the KISS version, or this one, which I think is the ultimate song about Strutters:







Good song, but not as good as KISS. grin.gif


I've always wondered if he was saying "they do respect her but, they love to watch her strut", OR "they do respect her butt; they love to watch her strut". lol



Couple more good strut/ing/er vids we can't forget -




heat.gifwub.gif oh, erm, uh, don't mind me, sorry...... grin.gif

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