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Is this classifide as my mid-life crisis?

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So today, I went to Guitar Center and shelled out about $500.00 on an ESP KH202 LTD, a case, strap, and a pack of picks. It's been about 15 years since I've last played the guitar, and for some reason I had the need to go out and buy me a new one. One things for sure, I might need to take lessons again 'cause I'm a tad bit rusty after playing it when I got home.

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Are you over 40 yet? Have you been married for at least 10 to 20 years? If the answer to either of those questions is "no", then it's not considered a mid-life crisis. :cool:

Edited by Fubar512

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It´s not a crisis, it´s what Santa missed. Like my quad or the beer dispenser

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Always really wanted to seriously learn guitar but i hate twisting my finger into all those funny shapes know as chords.


Instead, i have a Dean Metalman Z and a Rogue LX406. Don't have to worry that much about fretboard gymnastics with those.


And it's not a mid life crisis. I've been in a number of bands and now i want to write and perform things exactly how I wanted to for some years now.

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Well, after watching some youtube videos, I've figured out how to get the guitar to squeel, and with floyd rose, I can really slack out the strings with the whamy bar, getting some bad ass sounds.

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