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I might be wrong, but weren't IFF beacons in common use during the Vietnam war? I'm wondering because I'm having an extremely difficult time ID'ing a target with a long-range radar lock, and I've come very close to shooting down some friendly aircraft with BVR AIM7 shots, only saving the situation by shutting the radar off at the last second. I only have WOV, so I don't know how the F-15 in SF is, but in Lock On friendly contacts show up on the radar screen as a double line as opposed to a single line. Was technology like this availiable/used during the Vietnam War, and if so, is there a mod that enables it.



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Friendly fire accidents forced the USAF and USN to request optical identification of the target. So the Sparrow was nearly useless.

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Friendly fire accidents forced the USAF and USN to request optical identification of the target. So the Sparrow was nearly useless.


IFF was in use since WWII. The drawback to IFF, is that (in theory) it can be read and decoded by either side in a conflict. Thus, it was common practice during the Vietnam era to shut off the IFF system, or "strangle the parrot", when flying into hostile territory.


"Combat Tree", a system installed on a handful of F-4Ds during 1971 & 1972, was able to interrogate Soviet IFF signals, and was used successfully against the VPAF.


The TW F-15A in WoE, WoI, and SF2E & SF2I simulates IFF operation, as does the F-16 Netz, and (I believe) the F-4 Kurnass.

Edited by Fubar512

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TWS mode on stock TW F-15A does the IFF scan. But, man, is it slow. First sweep gets position, second gets movement data, the third one gives IFF markers and then you can go on ramapage before you run out of missiles/fuel.

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I know this technique isnt realistic but if im flying some of the older birds (F-4, F-105 etc) that dont have TWS, when I lock a target i press ctrl + r and it visually targets the aircaft you have locked up.

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I just shoot and if I hit a friendly I say "oops......my bad........sorry", and carry on flying. :lol::grin::salute:

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