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Which Card Is Best?

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I'm planning on purchasing a new laptop next week which will be suitable for gaming as well as normal pc duties. Obviously if I want full enjoyment from my games I'll need to have a pretty high-end graphics card. But I'm not so sure which card to look out for; so I thought I'd ask the more technically knowledgeable members here what they think would be a safe bet. wink2.gif

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Well as Lemmie says the only card you need is the Ace of Spades.


but seriously I have pc's with 8800's 9800's and a pal with the newest ati offering and they all kick butt.

go through ati's web site and reviw their laptop video cards

remember you want deticated video memory not shared <aviod the shared>

you can even get the sli or crossfire it's all about how deep your pockets are.

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ATI 5850. Its almost the 5870 (top of the heap right now), and its DX 11 card. nvidia 8800 and 9800 are old news.

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lol, if the 9800 is old news, I am pre-historic with my 8600GT!!! BUT, it does what I need it to do. Unless you are going to be running top end games with all the options turned to high, you don't need all that power. My card has 512MB, and the 8 series chipset and I can run WoX seamlessly. I can also run FSX on middle-high settings, and IL2 1946 cranked all the way up with graphics mods. To play online I have to tune it down a bit but overall it runs great. I am a die-hard NVIDIA fan, so I am biased, but I would say hit up Amazon or eBay and find you a nice mobile graphics card from the masters.


BTW: Back in the day on my old 166mhz IBM, I had an ATI Rage II graphics card and I hated it, and i've had two NVIDIA cards and loved them both.

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Pretty much think of it this way--if the video chip has an "M" after it, it runs about as fast as the next-slower desktop equivalent.

For example, GTX260M = GTS250.

Unlike PC cards, though, it's pretty much impossible to change it later. So while you can get a better HDD, RAM, and even optical drive for your laptop later, CPU, GPU, and screen are fixed so get as good as you can afford with those. Skimp on the RAM now and buy more later when you get more $$!

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Great advice guys. Keep it coming. I won't be buying anything until at least next Wednesday, so the more advice the better my end decision then grin.gif

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