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Game Reset

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Didn't see this anywhere and if it is I apologize for repeating. I have all of the latest downloads/mods installed and until recently have not had much of an issue. Recently though I have had a number of instances where I am halfway or better into a mission and the game screen will close with a default window showing that the game encountered an error and had to close. I have not screened the error and will do so when it happens again and post it here. I will close the error window and the game is still running and when opened I am back at the squadron pilot list screen. I can reselect the briefing option and go back and start flying again. Usually though I haven't stayed long being frustrated after investing 30-40 minutes and have the flight fail and have not gone back out.


Anyway, hope this makes sense and wonder if anyone has any ideas.

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40 minutes in again and after completing my bombing run on an airfield and did well I might add (Took out two hangars, damaged aircraft on the tarmac, and destroyed adjacent tents), then while make a comfortable return home the game error occurred again. Here was the result -


Problem signature:


Problem Event Name: APPCRASH


Application Name: CFS3.exe


Application Version:


Application Timestamp: 3e3ebe85


Fault Module Name: CFS3.exe


Fault Module Version:


Fault Module Timestamp: 3e3ebe85


Exception Code: c0000005


Exception Offset: 00121582


OS Version: 6.1.7600.


Locale ID: 1033


Additional Information 1: 5536


Additional Information 2: 5536fa575d0616a4359684e6f9f5e41d


Additional Information 3: 9301


Additional Information 4: 930162b1d6361f3531f23361867fec9a




Once again I closed the error screen and was brought back to the pilot list. This now makes about 3 to 3.5 flight hours I have lost due to this. Next step I guess is to bounce around at different timelines and squadrons to see what happens. At this rate I will never get my K&K pilot in the mix.

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appcrash is a vista utility..so going to assume your are running vista.


are you running with both offmanager.exe and cfs3.exe set to run as administrator, and run in xp compitibility mode?


I know all the mp pilots have to run this way, not positive its required for campaign.




Edited by sitting_duck

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actually running win7

Win7 or Vista doesn't matter. Run as Administrator like SD told you.

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Just a follow up:


Running as adminstrator didn't make any difference. Have run 5 flights since then and the game reset 3 times.


In this last instance I had reached our destination and inadvertently pressed the "N" key when I was trying to pull up the map. This time though the screen went black with the MS searching ring orbiting. After almost 5 minutes I used ctrl-alt-del to back out. Usually just do an alt-tab but it didn't work this time.


I am running win7 on an i7 quad four processor with 3 gig of ram, driven by an ATI 4850. Just as a reference I play some other very high graphic intense games (dragon age, mass effect, etc) without any form of issue with them or other programs I use.


I will try adjusting some of the graphic settings to see if there is a difference at all but I have not had any problem up until recently.


I appreciate everyones time and replies and realize that troubleshooting from around the globe is an impossible task. Thanks, and happy hunting!

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I belive running in xp sp2 mode is just as important, if not more, than the administrator settings....


and you have to do it for both offmanager.exe and cfs3.exe.


If you have not done this, i would highly suggest you give it a go.


there is one more quirk about w7 and bhah, but im pretty sure its only has multiplayer implications. It involves renaming a dll file that for whatever reason, screws things up




question q5m,,,almost at the bottom.

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Something with Vista I had to do, that was different than XP, was to add my games to the Data Execution Prevention list, (DEP). In XP, I was able to edit the XP ini file to turn the stupid DEP option off, but I have yet to find it Vista. So I just add all my important software to the exception list in DEP, and that has made a huge difference. Not sure if Win7 uses it, but it may be an option to try. I know it played havoc with The Battle of Britain Simulator, and SHIII when I first got them.

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Thanks guys. Will look into these to see if they make a difference. I am sure its likely something simple and a matter of finding the right setting or two.



Been here a short time and am thrilled with the game, and equally as much with the community and willingness to help and share. Great bunch here!

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Like SD told you, it is important that you run both files, offmanager.exe and cfs3.exe, as administrator in the compatibility tab. IMHO it's not so important or even really necessary to run in XP SP2 compatibility mode unless in MP. But no harm can be done to choose also that option in both files.

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