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Wings Of Prey environment in SF

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Nah just messing with you :P


I discovered WOP a while ago and cant help drooling over the environment, terrain, objects ........ looks just gorgeous. Cant also help it fantasizing having it in SF :P

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ran the demo. the graphics are a dream. Although HDR is too excessive and motion blur annoying. The water is the best i have seen in a simulator so far. great work with the terrain. heavily poppulated and convincing. very nice very nice (did i mention very nice?) Awesome work with light .... light helps a great deal in a realistic look and feel of everything else in the scene. funny thing, run without installation.. And the speed with all settings cranked up, colossal. crazy framerates .... and i think, i am not sure, that is DX9 .... might be mistaken on that though ...


man i want this graphics engine and its world :D :D

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I also ran through the demo and was impressed with your two points.


Graphically beautiful, yet sizzling framerates, a combo rarely seem together.


It may be a little lacking in the realism sector, from reviews I've seen, but I may have to pick it up just `coz it

looks so good.


TK is supposed to be conjuring up some new terrain graphics, which I hope are comparable...

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Yes thats very impressive, the no fps penalty from highly detailed graphics and especially highly populated world. Although i didnt notice ground movements. I expect such efficiency from an up to date GPU but the CPU, the usual weak link in such cases didnt sweat at all ... i have to check how the cores are used ... must be very effective coding?


and again, from all indications, it appears its a dx9 title ...


the demo didnt give me difficulty mode options (or i didnt find them?) In realistic mode and simulation mode ,supposed to be decent ...


other details i liked are the random atmospheric occurances of water amd the engine oil from your kill showering your canopy




if TK indeed is working on new terrains thats another great addition to the TW expectations list :)

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Well the maps are much smaller as is the viewdistance, and I suppose it relies heavily on instancing for all the scenery objects.

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WoP's AI and dynamics model is simplefied, when compared to real flight sims (like its IL2 predecessors). That's one reason that it "runs" quite well. It's essentially a console game ported to PC.

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WOP has a decent FM and DM on "realistic" mode. I haven't tried "simulation" mode because it turns on the complex engine management system and etc. Although on "realistic" mode you still can overheat your engine. Tried P-51D and chasing an 109G10 for 18 mins cuz I kept pushing my aircraft hard, almost blew my engine. The only gripe with this excellent game is you can't see hit sparks everytime. I think its tied to your gun converage. They update this sim often last few patches added difficulty options on the training mode to give a example. OH. Another thing, its a bummer that you can't practice A2G in the training mode. WOP has a basic recorder, its not like in IL2 were you have lots camera options and in WOP you can't re record your changes like you can in IL2.


Squid on the demo, you can try "realistic" and "simulation" modes if you do the demo's campigan mission. You'll see an difficulty slider on the campigan screen at the bottom. IMHO, WOP is very disabled friendly. On "realistic" mode it has auto engine management (although you can overheat your engine), auto flaps imho that's big help for a disabled simmer like myself. Glad I bought this.



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Agreed. It definitely does not have simplified flightmodelling compared to any other sim. The reason it runs well is because it's optimized for quite small maps (50x50km or so) along with a reduced horizon distance and heavy use of hazing. Long view distances are the prime reason most sims are GPU intensive. Furthermore there are new techniques for render optimizing such as instancing where you can reduce the number of drawcalls in a scene.

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GPU or CPU intensive ?

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GPU. You'd want to use the CPU power for all the physics modelling.

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