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Lt. James Cater

Most Survivable Aircraft...

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Something i thought of a lot when doing my recent DiD campaign.


We all like being in planes that can give out punishment. How about a plane that could take it? In the A-1 you are certainly going to have a good chance to be able to keep in the fight and live to brag at the O club later.


The amount of damage that plane can absorb is jaw dropping to say the least. I know of about four ocasions when i thought i was a goner but made it home despite the aircraft being absolutly shot to pieces. IIRC, the record for surviving hits was 23 14.5mm hits. Engine hit and smoking, cockpit area hit on both sides, aileron shot away, flap gone, rudder blown off and yet still made it home. All that was on a single pass over a target area.


Missions when i didn't take damage were the unusual ones.


I haven't used the A-10 enough to compare but the ground fire in WOE is laughable compared to the almighty frightenly intense flak storms that the WOV GOLD mod conjures up.


We all have seen planes the were shot up but still flying, but what plane have we flown enough to give an honest opinion on?


A-1H Skyraider>Everything else in the sim.

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RA-5C in WOV Gold...gets out of dodge in a real hurry; high survivability owing to high speed. Can take its fair share of 14.5 mm hits but my wingmen cannot testify to this. I fly alone now.

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I haven't used the A-10 enough to compare but the ground fire in WOE is laughable compared to the almighty frightenly intense flak storms that the WOV GOLD mod conjures up.



Two observations. I think TK put only a few AAA in game because if the terrain would be littered with guns of all calibers it would become a lot less playable. I have experimented with putting a WWII carrier group together and their fire took down the FPS real good (looked nice though, wouldn't be surprised if the large caliber guns cause most of the FPS drop)


The hardest plane to kill in game is kinda difficult to assess really, since it does depend on the armor values built in. In the end it all boils down to skill...and/or luck. I'm pretty sure that I have survived a dozen 14.5mm hits in my Crusader, but I have also be downed by just one or two hits.

Edited by Gocad

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Ah sugar! I fly a razbam SPAD in WOV and I generally have a 60% chance of being able to RTB.

Even tho I'm flying back with stuff missing on my plane I feel like the dishware in the bull in the china shop scenario. Always happy to strap on another one tho!


Edited by charlielima

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A-10 has a benefit of wings and tail shielding the engines from AAA fire even at close range. That and loads of armour. Just don't come near SA-8 without Mavericks and keep low when Floggers are about.

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A-10 has a benefit of wings and tail shielding the engines from AAA fire even at close range. That and loads of armour. Just don't come near SA-8 without Mavericks and keep low when Floggers are about.


I remember watching a flight of A-10s get shot down one after another when they flew by a fuel depot and then just after flew right over an air base. Sorta reminded me of the Canberra death rides i saw so many times in WOV.

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