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Anti-Aliasing problem. (WOI/SFP1)

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I have just installed WOI again after some time sitting on my desk.

But I don't know why,yesterday I've lost all my AA and AF options so now all objects ingame have those jagged edges.

Before that,I had AA/AF.I have Radeon HD 3850 with latest Catalyst drivers,inside CCC I have my AA set to 4x and AF set to 8x (personal desire),but still there's no AA/AF showing ingame.

Inside game's video options,I'm using "High+Customized" settings.


What am I doing wrong,and what I have to do to get the AA/AF to work in my WOI?

Because those jaggy edges are killing the sim's immersion...


Thanks for your further answers! :)

Edited by =EoH=Flight_boy

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Dont let it be application controlled. Make sure use application settings is disabled in the catalyst centre

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I have just installed WOI and the whole SF2 range in an XP fijitsu notebook Amilo Pi1536 which has a Radeon X1400.


In both SF2 and WOI no matter what i do in the ATi contro panel there's no AA or AF in the game. The only way to enable and configure AA is from the options.ini , AA is enabled and configured from there. But when AA is enabled the shadows on the plane get glitchy, like checkers, and framerate drops significantly, no matter how low the AA value in options.ini . CC settings seem to affect nothing in SF2 and WOI. Drivers are DX9 "legacy" 10.2 (DX 6.14)


Any ideas how to make the CC settings work with the game ?

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Have you checked to be sure you are using a resolution that matches your monitors native resolution?

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is not making a difference, native or lower :( ..

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I have not messed with an ATI card in a few years, but off the top of my head, try enabling these settings in the CCP:


1)Geometry Instancing

2)Alternate Pixel Center


I used to enable them to allow my x800 series card to play nice with TW's DX9 shaders.


Also, are you setting FSAA in the options.ini file? If so, try a value of "4".


You could also try enabling the ATI tray tools, and force FSAA & AAF settings in there.

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Thank you Fubar, looks like we have something here maybe. Little more info ? :) where do i find those first two ? How do i enable tools ?



I believe theres potential because with no AA and AF both gen sims run smoothly and graphics are glitchless even at 1280x800 and in-game settings @ High. i just can't tolerate the jaggs, shimering and lack of focus, results of the FSAA and Anisotropy absence.

Edited by squid

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thanks :) are "1) Geometry Instancing, 2) Alternate Pixel Center" accessed by this ati tray tool ?

Edited by squid

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thanks :) are "1) Geometry Instancing, 2) Alternate Pixel Center" accessed by this ati tray tool ?


As I've mentioned before, it's been a few years since I've had an ATI card in any of my PCs, but yes, I believe that it is, possibly under an "advanced" option.

Edited by Fubar512

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I haven't figured out what exactly from Tray tools did it but shadows now are ok with FSAA present and controlled by Tray Tools. (if AA controlled by the sim, shadows break) Tray Tools settings affect the game, now there are both FSAA and AF with no graphic glitches. In general though AA chocks framerates significantly just by being enabled no matter what settings (even at 800x600 resolution, tested it out of curiosity). Scenery density strangely doesn't seem to affect framerates much.


And SF2 look and perform a bit better than SF1 in this XP notebook.


Also, are you setting FSAA in the options.ini file? If so, try a value of "4".


What 4 in the options.ini stands for in this case ? does it mean 4x?

Edited by squid

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