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Problems with OFF and my new Saitek Throttle Quadrant

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I recently purchased the Saitek Throttle Quadrant from Amazon.co.uk, especially for use with OFFBH&H but I am having problems with mapping/binding the throttle commands/levers within Saiteks SST Profile software and within OFF's control config screen. At present only the Z axis works (which is the right hand lever and is presently acting as the aircrafts throttle in game). If I attempt to move the left or middle levers conflict with the aircrafts aelirons and elevator controls. I currently cannot map/bind the left or middle levers for throttle or fuel mix, which defeats the main reason for buying the throttle quadrant in the first place. I currently am using an old serial port joystick (Logic 3- PC Navigator) that I use for the general aircraft controls and this plugs into my Creative Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS card port at the back of the computer and therfore is not USB. Could this be the problem? I have had this joystick for years as I am left handed and cannot find any decent left handed/ambidextrous USB joysticks, but this is another matter entirely. I also use the excellent CH Pro Rudder pedals which work great in the flight sim and had no problems configuring them to use in this flight sim. I also had a problem originally with the middle reverser switch on the throttle quadrant which impacted on my Track IR5 stopping any viewing but I have since rectified this by assigning the reverser key a command to turn the engine on using the Saitek SST softeware which has solved the problem. However after spending some considerable time scanning troubleshooting/problem pages including some of the threads in the OFF forum that cover the Saitek Throttle Quadrant problem I still have not found out how to solve this problem once and for all. Therefore, can I turn to you guys for help and assistance on this matter? Many thanks in advance :). J.

Edited by jamieandnici

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That stick is just like the Cyborg EVO in the fact that the hand rest can be changed to accommodate either right or left handed users.

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May I make a suggestion. Since you're using both analog (15pin) and digital (USB) controllers, link only the joy stick to OFF. Don't try and bind/map any quadrant control functions through the sim. Use SST software and make a profile for the functions you want to control. When you get ready to fly OFF, download the profile to the Saitek quad and "off" you go.


Before I switched to my Cougar HOTAS, I was using an analog CH Fighter Stick/Throttle/Pro Pedals connected to my old SB 5.1 card. When I added my CH Quad (it's digital) I had conflicts similar to yours. I setup a profile for the CH Quad and downloaded it whenever I was going to fly OFF or other sims. Everything was smooth afterward.


Since switching to my Cougar, I still use my CH Quad profile to control battery, mags, prop spin, mixture control and throttle as well. I don't use my Cougar throttle when in OFF. With my CH Quad, I've added "blip" function which kills one of the mags. Using your Saitk Quad and setting up a functional profile, you should be able to add good, realistic control functions which will add to the immersion of the sim.


In all my flight sims, I setup only the Cougar through the sim and have separate CH Quad profiles I use for each.


My 5 cents worth.


plug_nickel (Al)

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A big thanks to you guys for trying to help.


Uncleal- I purchased this very joystick (Saitek ST290 Programmable Joystick with Throttle) a couple of years ago and changed the base to lefty but hated it as I had a problem when I used the X axis to bank the aircraft I would inadvertantly twisle the rudder/twist mechanism in the base which activated the aircrafts rudders. eventually, I got so infuriated with it that I gave it away to a mate for free as I couldn't hit a sausage due to yawing the aircraft at critical moments!! My CH Pro Rudder Pedals function fine with the joystick and continue to give me excellent realism with no conflicts whatsoever with or without the Saitek Throttle Quadrant installed.


Almccoyjr- One thing I have noticed is that I cannot configure any button from the throttle quadrant when in the OFF control config screen. It is as if the quadrant isn't being recognised at all in the sim. Therefore, I have saved a profile in Saiteks SST software and carried the binds into OFF, but unfortunately, no matter how many times I attempt to bind the left lever to use in OFF as the aircraft throttle and the middle lever in OFF for aircraft fuel mix, both don't work when in the cockpit in OFF. Only the Z-axis (right lever) works as the throttle and I have had to bind 2 switches underneath the lever to act as fuel rich/lean mix increments, which is okay as a temporary fix I suppose, but like I said previously, I purchased this throttle quadrant to use the levers not the switches for added realism and currently have 2 levers lying dormant which defeats the reason for purchasing the hardware in the first place. :(


Thanks again guys for your help so far. I will try to fathom out the problem if I can, otherwise I will continue using the present setup in OFF.

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The sim should "see" the Saitek quad in the controller config. panel. That it's not suggests that there may be a driver/hardware install problem with the quad.


I don't know what OS you're running so go into the game controller/or devices function in your OS and see if the quad is recognized and if all the axes are functional. You can also open dxdiag and check to see if there are any problems with the quad there or if the driver isn't validated.


plug_nickel (Al)


ps, You might want to check out Saitek's forum site to see if these problems are cropping up else where.

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The sim should "see" the Saitek quad in the controller config. panel. That it's not suggests that there may be a driver/hardware install problem with the quad.


I don't know what OS you're running so go into the game controller/or devices function in your OS and see if the quad is recognized and if all the axes are functional. You can also open dxdiag and check to see if there are any problems with the quad there or if the driver isn't validated.


plug_nickel (Al)


ps, You might want to check out Saitek's forum site to see if these problems are cropping up else where.



Sorry alccoyjr for not being clear enough ol' bean. I forgot to say that OFF does recognise the quad and so does my OS which is Windows XP Pro.

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Since both XP and OFF recognize the quad, and I presume that all the axes are functional when calibrating the quad in SST and XP controllers, your best bet looks to be the Saitek forum. I took a quick look at their site and it seems several users were having axes issues.


Check the SST driver/software and see if it is the most current. If not, update it and see how that goes.


Sorry I can't give you any better assistance; I'm just not up on anything Saitek and can only approach troubleshooting this from a generic point of view.


plug_nickel (Al)

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Since both XP and OFF recognize the quad, and I presume that all the axes are functional when calibrating the quad in SST and XP controllers, your best bet looks to be the Saitek forum. I took a quick look at their site and it seems several users were having axes issues.


Check the SST driver/software and see if it is the most current. If not, update it and see how that goes.


Sorry I can't give you any better assistance; I'm just not up on anything Saitek and can only approach troubleshooting this from a generic point of view.


plug_nickel (Al)



almccoyjr - No problem ol' bean, you have tried to help me which I am truely grateful for so no worries. I already have the latest SST software as I Dled and installed it straight after plugging the quad in and there are no other updates so far. I have now decided to test whether it is something to do with my serial port joystick and have just purchased a Thrustmaster 'ambidextrous' joystick T.16000M from Amazon.co.uk as it was raved about on another OFF thread and within the Amazon customer review feedback screen. I'll see whether or not the quad issues persist and will let you know in due course in a few days from now. Once again, thanks for your help. Tally ho!!

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almccoyjr- Well, I got the USB joystick (Thrustmaster t.16000m) which is a damn fine stick in my opinion, but I still the same problem with the quad's conflicting X/Y axis lever controls interferring with the joysticks X/Y axis controls, even after several attempts to tweak the binds in Saiteks SST software and in OFF's game config settings. Oh well, at least one of the quadrant levers work as the throttle. As for the fuel mix setting, I will simply leave this to the switch controls on the quad. I haven't tried the quad on any other flight sim yet but will do in due course to see if any other sims suffer the same fate. I expect everyone will have this problem who has Saiteks Throttle Quadrant, so if anyone out there is interested in buying a quadrant just take into account that only the right lever will work for your throttle control in OFF.


Tally ho and happy hunting.

Edited by jamieandnici

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Yesterday I configured a Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals and the elevators were all mixed up with my T.16000m.

I follow this step by step guide by Check Six and now everything is working.


Edited by Von Paulus

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Just a quick message to all to say I've finally solved the problem...whoop, whoop!! The answer lay in the control config in OFF. I simply deleted all the Saitek SST binds in the software and deleted all the bound keys in OFF control config and rebound each of the keys with each of the controls I have (throttle quadrant, rudder pedals and joystick). Now I have proper working throttle/fuel mix quadrant levers, rudder pedals, and joystick that are all working in perfect harmony with each other!! Thanks again to everyone who tried to help. The sim has now been brought to life again. Amazingly, I am now a better pilot because of it and have single handedly destroyed an entire German formation of Alb DIII's using my new found skills as a Tripe pilot in RNAS 9!!

Edited by jamieandnici

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