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Your input about this F-16 screenshot

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(its actually the signature of CA member Pureblue who i am not being able currently to reach)


- Is it a SF screenshot ?

- If it is, is the 3D model the stock F-16A 3D model? (looks lot like it)

- If it is, its a F-16C conversion of it? downloadable?

- If not, how the LANTIRN got attached to it ?

- etc lol


Thanks :)

Edited by squid

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Thank you guys. I think its maybe not the same F-16 3D model ... For one, the canopy in this screenshot has surface effects similar to stock F-16A, which the one in this semi-LANTIRN mod (MF?) doesnt have. I think all the MF F-16s dont have those canopy surface effects. Then the LANTIRN in the screenshot i post looks to be more on correct scale, while the pods in the semi-functional LANTIRN mod look kinda out of scale?


(thats probably a mod we can use with any F-16 model i guess? will check later ...)

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It's th old F-16s found here. Not a new model.

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downloaded the TuAF w Lantirn from here modified it to SF2 but it doesnt look like this screen ... This is a high poly Viper, higher than the MF A Blk20 in this download which also dont have this canopy specular effect. The lantirn itself also looks to have a different texture and the AAQ-14 is of different size.


Happen maybe btw to know of a LANTIRN for SF with an F-16 AAQ-14 Pylon ? (theres no pylon in this download, maybe not even in this screenshot)



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Looking at the intake that's the Thirdwire F-16 model - and as said above they have added pods possibly using the fake pilot modding method.

Edited by MigBuster

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