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Anti-Ubisoft DRM petition to sign

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I hope the petitions help. It's not completely hopeless after all - Electronic Arts (one of the worst major game publishers who usually doesn't know the meaning of customer service) changed their DRM system to a much less restrictive one last year because they had succeeded in angering a huge number of their customers with limited installations and whatnot. And that DRM system wasn't even as bad as the one currently used by Ubi.

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The Pisces subs have their own natural torpedoes in the form of large predatory fish that cruise along with us behind the lights and wait for some unsuspecting little bottom dweller to stray too far away from their burrow then they rocket out like a fired torpedo and nail said bottom dweller and casually take up station behind the lights again. I have only used SH3 at sea on a five month trip to New Zealand in 2005. It definitely adds a degree of realism playing it on a rolling ship. I have not done it since then of course because I have been skinning for OFF ever since. SH5 looked like it might be a nice replacement, but there are no internet connections out there so it is not worth getting. I wonder how many hundreds of young submariners that spend months on patrol and don't always have to be on watch would have enjoyed SH5.

The signatures are up to 8250 now. If everyone who signed cancelled purchasing both AC2 and SH5 like I did that is 16,508 lost sales. I don't think everyone was probably paying the Gamestop price I did of about $60 bucks each, but if they did it would be a total loss in sales of about $990,480. I wonder if Ubisoft can just shrug that off and make do with the customers that are willing to put up with the DRM. Really bad idea.




Have you tried the SH3 mod 'Grey Wolves'? I've seen it in person, and it really adds a lot to SH3... much like we did with OFF.


Check it out here...






PS... love that story about the fish... that has to be really cool. Nature is amazing, isn't it? Did Ted tell you about the Whale story when he was on the big island? That was out of this world!

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The Grey Wolves add-on really makes a huge difference. It transformed SH3 from a mediocre game to a great game. Yep, just like you guys did with OFF. But you guys started from the ground up with a completely different game in mind than just improving a standing game.


Thankyou too OBD for not using an online verifying system. My wireless system is far too dodgy and the game would suck if I lost connection being out in the sticks. I sure do hope they run regular highspeed out here eventually.

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Well I signed it as number 9000.



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Hmmmmmm. Have you read the petition?


"...By using the planned version of DRM, people will likely not by (buy) games they want to, or simply pirate them instead".


"....Those unwilling to accept the DRM measures are more likely to then turn to piracy".



IMHO the wording goes too far, and even by citing possible piracy, it may even cross the border into Extortion County. yikes.gif


'Extortion is a criminal offense which occurs when a person unlawfully obtains either money, property or services from a person, entity, or institution, through coercion'.



As I read it, the petition says Dear Ubisoft, if we don't get what we want, some of us may resort to piracy, and it'll all be your own fault. - That is coercion, piracy is unlawful, so if so inclined, you could interpret that petition as one definition of extortion. OK it's a very mild form of extortion, but it's extortion all the same.



The idea itself of having a petition is sound, it's just this one is very badly worded IMHO. If you want to complain about DRM, keep it simple.



Dear Ubisoft, I don't like DRM. I think it breaches my privacy. If you keep using it, I'll stop buying your products. Love and kisses, FlybyPC. - The end. good.gif

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Actually yeah...it smacks of a Skidrow let one.

(Skidrow are the pirates who attacked the DRM servers and shut them down last weekend)


I had said "Dear Ubisoft...to prevent your company losing what little credibility it has left..do something about your appaling DRM"

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I agree FlybyPC. There should be no mention of piracy. We lose our credibility. The message that should have the greatest impact is that we are over 9000 loyal customers that would happily buy these products if it weren't for the DRM, and will not buy any Ubisoft games that have it.

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I'm a pirate


AHHHHHRRRRRRGGGGGGG...... with a bottle of rum




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I will be downloading the 'Grey Wolves' mod 2night.


I love SH3 it was much better than SH4. Back to the depths of the Atlantic while in Prison (POW 11 days left - DID campaign)




and i have the original of SH3. Stupid Ubisoft. Aaarrrhhhhggggg.

Edited by Morris

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ah ubisoft.


DRM is a tool to enable a publisher to stop losing money through piracy. or at least thats how the ignorant software engineer sells it to them.


If some bright publishing bean counter out there, could submit a paper showing how publishing companies lose more money by utilizing ap software than they would otherwise lose, they would stop using it in a flash.



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Unfortuately preordered the SH5 at Gamestop and paid for it and took it home before I read the stuff on the disc. Does anyone think Gamestop would refund my money? Enjoyed SH3 and thought SH5 would be great on my new super computer. I should have been satisfied with BHAH. The developers seem to care about the people who buy their stuff. I signed and the number was approaching 10,000.

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#9476, so I would think the 10,000 mark will be easily attainable.

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Unfortuately preordered the SH5 at Gamestop and paid for it and took it home before I read the stuff on the disc. Does anyone think Gamestop would refund my money? Enjoyed SH3 and thought SH5 would be great on my new super computer. I should have been satisfied with BHAH. The developers seem to care about the people who buy their stuff. I signed and the number was approaching 10,000.


Hello Old Navy

I also preordered and prepaid for SH5 and AC2 from Gamestop. When I went to pick up SH5 and saw the constant internet connection requirement I gave it right back to them for a refund and canceled AC2 and got refunded for that as well. Gamestop should be giving people fair warning that this is an issue. I doubt very many customers would purchase it. When the retailers start sending these games back to Ubisoft maybe they will get the message. Good luck trying to get your money back from Gamestop. They may just give you another game as an exchange.



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