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Hi all,


I'm back :yikes:



But I have a question?

I remember someone posted images of bridges and rail stations from his SF1 campaign by using the ones supplied in WOV?

Would anyone happen to know how he did it?



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There are no railways in WoV. Bridges, yes. Railroads/trainstations, no. Also, oddly enough, the WoV bridges/buildings/electrical power towers,etc ARE included in the GermanyCE object cat (can't remember if they're also in the SF2E version ... and I"m not gonna extract it to find out!)


Rails, train stations & depots are found 'seperatly' (meaning, they originally come from the WW2 mods, excpeting the 'af20 depot building', which was created for CFS, then reimported/exported by Polak from the CFSMidway Groups PTO objects, and enjoyed a limited release of all 68 objects, 3 or 4 of which just don't work)


Other 'railway objects' were custom made for YAP



kevin stein

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Been using the living daylights out of your train stations, too. Every danm city in Korea's got like a million of 'em! Used them a lot for the Tunisia and NorthAfrica WW2 rebuilds, too.


IIRC, you also did a couple of bridges for Suez/Isreal2.


So, if I didn't say so in the readmes, Thank You, Michael!!



kevin stein

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Gepard, in the form of a "PS", you wouldn't happen to have end pieces for the rail bridge laying around, would you?? :grin:


btw, the suspension bridge gets used in "Carlson's Canyon", as it juuusssst about fits over a small vally/gorge between 2 hills.




kevin stein


damn, I WISH I could work in MAX!!!

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Hey all,

I can send you rail bridge in Max and I think theres end parts too



  On 4/13/2010 at 7:47 PM, Wrench said:

Gepard, in the form of a "PS", you wouldn't happen to have end pieces for the rail bridge laying around, would you?? :grin:


btw, the suspension bridge gets used in "Carlson's Canyon", as it juuusssst about fits over a small vally/gorge between 2 hills.




kevin stein


damn, I WISH I could work in MAX!!!

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