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Two questions actually.....


1st - I have sounds for the Skyraider that are seperate at different RPMs so i could get and accurate sound in game but it seems i can only use one sound thats is dependant on throttle position? maybe two if i added an afterburner sound but thats not nearly enough to get full realistic sound.....is this all the engine can handle or am i missing something??


2nd - I have just got a copy of 3ds Max like a month ago and have been playing with it and making models (nothing special just trying to learn) and im wondering is it possible to take a Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam model plane file and convert it back into a model so i can play with it to learn a bit more about what the end result should look like and so on....certainly only for my learning experiences and personal use i wouldnt be taking someone elses work and re-releasing it as my own.


I would greatly appreciate any help i can get to steer me in the right direction and ill talk to you soon






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1st - I have sounds for the Skyraider that are seperate at different RPMs so i could get and accurate sound in game but it seems i can only use one sound thats is dependant on throttle position? maybe two if i added an afterburner sound but thats not nearly enough to get full realistic sound.....is this all the engine can handle or am i missing something??


Talk to Fubar512 and or Spillone104 They are sounds guru's


2nd - I have just got a copy of 3ds Max like a month ago and have been playing with it and making models (nothing special just trying to learn) and im wondering is it possible to take a Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam model plane file and convert it back into a model so i can play with it to learn a bit more about what the end result should look like and so on....certainly only for my learning experiences and personal use i wouldnt be taking someone elses work and re-releasing it as my own.


No you can not do that. Once its in its LOD format that is it.

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Thanks for the fast reply.....im looking to learn more on 3d modelling if anyone can maybe steer me in the right direction or give me some pointers!boredom.gif



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There are freely available 3D planes in max scene or 3ds format on the net, try Turbosquid-dot-com or 3Dcafe-dot-com for starters

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1 sound per aircraft engine(single engine). 2 sounds if you use the afterburner sound.

I don't think that you can use afterburner on a piston engine.

The game engine changes the speed of the sound(kbps) as you change the throttle setting.

I find a sound that's OK at idle and see what it sounds like at full throttle.

I use a sound editor (CoolEdit)to adjust the speed of the sound(kbps) so that it is OK for idle and full throttle.

It won't be exact for all settings,but it will be close.

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I don't think that you can use afterburner on a piston engine


yes, you can. However, it requres adding the 'new' engine with a 0 fuel consumption. Safe to say, I have such a data ini, from fubar for expertimental purposes only, that you can 'hear' it switch to high blower at full throttle



kevin stein

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