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Hi All:


Over the past week or so I've been updating my SF2I installation. Last tonight and today I took a crack at updating Veltro2K's Vautour IIB & N models for SF2I. In the process of updating those aircraft (available at CombatAce in the SF1 Downloads section), I have also done my best to correct or mitigate these models' several anomalies: AI inability to taxi and takeoff correctly; AI aircraft exploding on the taxiway; AI problems handling the aircraft in flight; loadout errors; glaring white spots in the engine nacelles. (Complete list of fixes/updates below.)


You can review the results by downloading this package from my site:




If there's enough interest, I would be happy to upload this package to CombatAce. Also, if anyone has further suggestions, corrections, or fixes, I could incorporate those as well.


Notes: You will notice that AI aircraft still bounce around just a bit while taxiing, but they do now take off in timely fashion. Also, by default these aircraft use the Israeli AF late '50s/early '60s pilot model available from Wrench's site here:








These aircraft versions incorporate a number of fixes and updates:


- applied Veltro2K's fixpacks for B & N model

- added damage TGAs from Christian59's "damage pack"

- added Vautour destroyed model data

- adapted decals for SF2 file structure



- spiffed up LOADING & HANGAR screens

- darkened IDFCamo textures

- removed spinner nodes to fix unsightly white

spots within engine nacelles (no material assigned

to spinner nodes)

- corrected, renamed, or removed a number of node

names within DATA.INIs

- made engine ThrustPositions symmetrical to correct

AI handling problems

- tweaked landing gear data to improve AI ground handling


- added tail bumper to improve taxiing & takeoff stability

- updated flight model for SF2

- tweaked loadouts & weapon stations

- added F-86F cockpit from Dave Zurawski & the F-86F

Development Team


Eric Howes

Edited by eburger68

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Well if you upload them, I'll download them!

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Mee too!!!


kevin stein

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OK, so there is interest. Could I persuade either one of you to download the "preview" version and give it the once over before I upload a final version to CombatAce?




Also, Wrench, would you be so kind as to grant permission to include the IAF 50s/60s pilot from your site in the package?




Eric Howes

Edited by eburger68

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no permission needed! Go for it!!



kevin stein

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ok, got it...I'm looking at a few bits to change; just little things like an improve AI statement, rolling radi on the gears, etc. Sabre cockpit ini needs the 'fix' the EGT, take care of that in a second.


IIRC, the IIN is a Nightfighter, and will need a radar equipped cockpit ... I may have one around



kevin stein

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OK, thanks. Post whatever you work up here (or give me a link to download it).


As for the AI statement, I commented it out because AI aircraft were having trouble hitting some waypoints. In my testing they fly exceptionally well without that AI statement.


Eric Howes

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this is a NEW one, as used on "another project". When you get the inis, test and if you do't like it, it wont hurt my feelings! :cry:



kevin stein

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Cool, I'll see if I can finish the skins at some point. BTW, is there anyone of you that has the Isradecal Vautour sheet?

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Thanks much for the fixes and updates. I've incorporated most of them. Packages for SF2I and WOI have now been uploaded to CA.


Wilco, if you complete new skins for these aircraft, I would be happy to update the packages to include them (with your permission, of course).




Eric Howes

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