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Deus Ex 3

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Really looking forward to it!

But I would prefer if they would spend more (time/money) on the game than on the marketing...

Edited by Shaolin

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I hope it's better than the 2nd one!

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I recently replayed the first DE and loved it. I tried to replay the 2nd (I played it on release) and was unable to spend more than an hour on it before I just got bored.

The story was uninspiring, the level design was uninteresting (and tiny to accomodate the cross platform Xbox release), the graphics were low-res and poor (ditto Xbox, although a 3rd party texture mod helped)...

In fact, the ONLY area in which it surpassed the original was in having a modicum of realistic physics although quite wrong at times, and that the models had higher polygon counts so that everyone didn't have cubes for heads. In fact, DE was behind all of its contemporaries graphically, but after 10 minutes you just forgot about that.


Frankly, I think FPS games are "good enough" now in that area. Crysis is 3 years old and still looks awesome. They need to spend more time on GAMEPLAY like story and combat and a living world and less on the latest buzzword technical aspect.

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I hope that this is a lot better than 2 as 2 for me was a serious let down... The first one had a fantastic story and lots of playability also seemed to take forever to complete it the first time round... the second one was more a case of completed before I had started and the storyline wasn't great I agree with Jedi the graphic levels are damn good now so lets concentrate on the story line...

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The first one his a classic, a masterpiece in terms of computer gaming.

The story, the gameplay, the graphics (at the time) were superb.

When I tried to play the second one, it didn't last more than one hour inside my computer.

Now the third... honestly I've a lot of doubts.

The story might be good, and like the trailer shows, it's breeding cyberpunk.

But the gameplay, I don't expect to be as good as the legacy. We live in a console world.

Only if it was exclusive to PC, we could have hope.

Auto regeneration, cover system and shooting not being stat-based, already means, it's a dumb down from the original.

What more "surprises" will we find?

It might be a Mass Effect look alike.

Is it bad? No. But it's no Deus Ex.


Edited by Von Paulus

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