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After further testing, it seems that there must be something wrong in my file, as I added the line "WaterMap=LIBYA_WATER.BMP" in the "Libya.INI" but the ships are now generated on land and vehicles now have the temptation to taste salted water.


Would anyone know if it's my bmp that is corrupted or that have I forgot to include something in the ini?


Best regards

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A small typo in the Libya_targets.ini


at the bottom end of the "[TargetArea060] Name=Misratah EW-GCI-AD Site" entry:






Told you, it's a small one grin.gif

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In the same file:






FullName=HAWK Launcher








I assume, Wrench, that it should be "Hawk", as, for example, in the IR_TYPES.INI file?


By the way, any clue about the Water map issue? Is there somewhere one must define red for water?

Edited by FrankD

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just change the GroundObjectType= to




tha'll fix that



kevin stein

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Thanks Wrench.


That's what I supposed initially but I haven't been able to find that version in my files.

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Kevin are you going to upload a fix pack for this?

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Thanks for your answer Kevin.


I placed a carrier manually as a target and it showed up. I must have missed something and I should take the time to read the sticked thread by the way.


Anyway, here is a bmp that should make a decent Libya_Water file.


(Don't download the picture shown as ImageShack converted it to png. Instead, please download the file hosted on Mediafire)





Thanks was looking for something like that

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You are welcome EricJ, but as posted above (and quoted below), I'm having issues with it. Not sure if I messed up with the ini or the bmp.


After further testing, it seems that there must be something wrong in my file, as I added the line "WaterMap=LIBYA_WATER.BMP" in the "Libya.INI" but the ships are now generated on land and vehicles now have the temptation to taste salted water.


Would anyone know if it's my bmp that is corrupted or that have I forgot to include something in the ini?


Best regards

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resave it in 256 colors :good:

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