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SEAD mission for all to try

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At it again,this time made alittle something I think everyone will enjoy.



Your Flight 2 F-4bs

June 18,1970 Your base is under attack from enemy bombers, couple of Migs tagging along providing escort,small flight of F-104gs are engaging,launch when ready,(you start on the ground) and free to engage incoming bombers. watch out for friendly AAA.

First targets are in the city of Mosak to the NNE(WPT#2), Light AAA can be expected.

Secondary Targets can be found SW at Enemy Airfied P1(WPT#3), expect moderate AAA.


Remember to stop in the loadout section of the hangar screen to make your last minute adjustments.

Remember these enemy bombers have stingers in thier tails and can ruin your day.

Right click the link and select save target as, then select your SF/Missions folder and click ok....ok?

If ya dont have a Missions folder then make one in your Main SF directory


get it here




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Thanks Fast Eagle,


With each new mission I create I learn something new, My next mission will include moving ground targets. Maybe with some Migs tagging along to provide cover. :)


Im also working on a Ship mission, cargo ships escorted by patrol boats that shoot at ya, but I havent figured out how to get the ships to float. Once I figure that out, rest assured I'll have it up for all to try.

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Hey MajBlunder...How about a mission where you takeoff and fly about 10 miles to a bombing range. Just a flat location with tanks, trucks and such to practice droping iron bombs. Seems that will take a lot of practice to get it right in SP1.


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That sounds like a good mission, to the range that is.



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