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Roswell 1947

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Some believed it, some believe it not. The crash of an UFO in 1947.


After that, is the rumours about Area51 and strange planes growing and growing.


The only truth is that Skunk Works made SR-71, U2 and the F-117. Also secret planes.


We should never know what happend in 1947 in Roswell, if there were aliens in a UFO or was it a weather balloon. Maybe was it a secret jet.


I shall ended with the words of the X-Files: The truth is out there.




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Ya I used to be big UFO nut, but now I figure its enough to say "I beleive" However my friends used to look at me wierd when I'd say "You know Area 51 is real base, they just top secret planes there." and they'd say, "How can you know it's real, if they test UFO's there?" and I'm just like "You what, nevermind."

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I am on the fence about aliens,excpt for the illegle kind, but something did happen back then. If you want to hear about strange things listen to Coast to Coast, used to be with Art Bell but the new guy is good too.

Now if you excuse me I have to meet the Mothership. ;)

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What's funny is that I'll debate my wife about Area-51 (Groom Lake/Skunkworks) and UFOs. I was in the Air Force and like the rest of the public wasn't aware of the F-117 until years after it's developement when they unveiled it.


So I tell her, look at the F-117 and tell me if you'd think it was a UFO back in the early 80s flying around the Nevada desert.


She fires back by saying it's designed from UFO technology.


DOH! :unsure::lol: <_<

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If we didnt find out about the F117 and B2 for years after it was in service imagine what we are flying around right now in secret that we find out about 10 years from now.lol


There was a phrase in a movie that said "Seems like a huge waist of space if we are truly alone"

Makes sense to me.

Edited by Snacky

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