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B-17 and B-24

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Hey guys, there's a B-17 and a B-24 at our local airport, but they're leaving tomorrow. I'm gonna go out tomorrow morning with a friend and get a tour :D I'll see what I can do for pictures, as the digital camera is in San Fransico with my parents...


By the way, CB, they originally weren't scheduled to come come to Manhattan, but some WWII vets son convinced them to stop by. I think they're flying back to KC tomorrow. If you want to see them, they should be there for a little while.

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You sure it's a B-17? Not questioning your aircraft ID skills, but we just had from the Confederate AF a B-29 (Fifi) and B-24 (Diamond Lil) stop at our airport (FWA) last week and were offering tours. They both left Saturday or Sunday afternoon.


It was pretty cool when they left. I was sitting at home...about 10 miles from the airport when I heard the B-24 flying over, still climbing slowly from it's takeoff so I ran outside to watch it. It was only probably 400-500 feet over my house. I didn't see or hear the B-29 though.

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Nope, that was most definatly a B-17 :). These are the two that were here:


B-17 "Nine - o - Nine":






And the famous B-24 "The Dragon and His Tail":






I went through the B-24 first. Very cool, I went up, got a picture of the tail gunner seat. then we (my friend and I) went up through the fuselage to the side guns, then up through the bomb bays. We weren't allowed to go up to the cockpit, but I did manage to crawl up into the front gear hole and get a picture of the Norton bomb-sight before I got yelled at :D While we were in the back, some vet was saying how the side guns were the most dangerous part of the planes "Cause even with those 50 cals, a 109 could tear you up." He also said something about how flak would just tear right through the skin of the plane. another one said "It's been a long time since I've been in one of these..."


We then moved over to the B-17. That one was a lot roomier, at least in the back, then the B-24. A couple more 50 cals on the side, and I was able to look in the window of the tail gunner (I didn't know they had Rubbermaid coolers back then??? :lol: ) Anyways, we were able to come up through under the cockpit, move back a little, stand up, and be right behind the cockpit, so I got a good picture of that :) Also, That's the same area that the top turret is at, so I got a good look at how that worked. The must have sucked. we then moved back through the bomb bay, which was surprisingly small. I've heard that the B-17 had a small bay, but that was just tiny. Moving back was to the radio room, and then to the gunners.


I got several good pics, but they're on real film (heaven forbid) so I'll have to get them developed and scanned before I can put them up. Then I took my friend up in a C172. It's just not the same... :D

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Those are great aircraft!!! and I am looking forward to the pics. If you want to get a feel for the missions they flew try Microproses B-17ii The Mighty Eighth great graphics and the missions are unbelievable! also check out the V8th at www.bombs-away.net great bunch of guys.

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Hey Raptor do you happen to know which Airport in KC they said they'd be at?

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I do not. All I read was that they're scheduled stop was in KC, and that some vets son got them to come over here for a little while.

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Oh wow Raptor! Great pics and planes!!!


Sorry for ever doubting you. ;)


Those are definately not the same that were here last week...lol.

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B-17 Ball turret from the inside. It's hard to judge, but that hatch is not very big at all.

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B-17 Bomb bay. I've heard they were small, but this thing is tiny. no wonder they had so many B-17s in each bomb run...

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B-17 bomber position. That's looking straight out the front plexiglass, notice the guns on the side.

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Man, Biohaz has been slow for the past week... Has no one even looked at the pics?

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Everyone's taking time off I think. I know I've been buried at work the past week.


The pics are awesome, BTW. I need to dig out my old pics from the B-17/B-25/P-51 when they came through Walla Walla about 8 years ago, I got some great in-cockpit shots.

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That must've been amazing to be up-close like that. :D


Very nice pics, indeed.

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