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Weapons Pack Doesn't Work with SFP1!

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nearly the same issue here, fresh WOE(SFP1 era) install, new editor,bunyaps pack installed. if i try to input SINGLE ORDINANCE i get an emty loadout menu only bunyaps pack works.no extra files, just whats in the pack i can't add more weapons, some help would be nice. thanks

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Does the campaign download in question come with it's own custom weapons? If that's the case then you shouldn't add a weapons pack at all. Just a thought...



SFP1 initially never came wirh any "Weapon" folder. I have no idea where the weapons are although there is a loadout menu and you can load some missiles and bombs. I searched all the folders in the game but found none!

Edited by iranianace

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A bit of research goes a long way. Using the forum search feature here and at www.thirdwire.com has always proved helpful to me and everyone else. Out of the kindness of our hearts, we also took the time and the trouble to create a knowledgebase here at CA. Most of the answers to questions that you've asked, and probably to questions that you've yet to ask, are there.


All TW series and TW titles have their core files contained in, and read from, an assortment of catalog (.cat) files. You'll find the default weapons and their data in the Objectdata.cat

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Okay, everyone stop right now.




You need to stop what you are doing and start over.


First, start here:




Specifically, here:




You need to read ALL of this...because it explains what you should see and how you should see it.


I'm temporarily closing this thread so I can write a more appropriate response.



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Okay, let's start from the beginning:


1. Install SFP1 and then the Oct 08 patch.

2. Download the following:


Iraq/Iran Campaign: http://combatace.com/files/file/1270-iran-iraq-campaign/

Iraq/Iran Campaign Update: http://combatace.com/files/file/5290-iran-iraq-war-quick-update/

IRAN F-14A: http://www.column5.us/aircraft2.shtml

Foxbat package (MiG-25PD): http://combatace.com/files/file/4019-foxbat-package/

Community Weapons Pack: http://combatace.com/files/file/7791-weapons-pack-252-by-the-wosfp1-community/


Now, the bad news...the campaign and both aircraft downloads are very old and may not work properly in the SFP1 install patched to Oct 08.


Now, in order, install (allow overwrites):


The IRAN F-14A.

Copy the MiG-25PD aircraft from the Foxbat package into the Objects/Aircraft folder.

The Iraq/Iran Campaign and update.

You should now see a Weapons folder in your Objects directory. Copy all the files and directories in the Community Weapons Pack into that folder. DO NOT USE THE WEAPONS EDITOR.


You should now have a functional install with weapons. I just did every step myself and found it works just fine.



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Dear FC,


Thanks for walking me through this but I knew all this and I had done everything 10 times already but I still don't have AIM-54 for my IRIAF F-14.


I remember back in 2005 when this campaign was made, I did install SFP1 and the weapon pack and it worked fine but I can't get it to work today.


I did follow yoiur instructions step by step. I do have a Weapon folder in my Object folder now filled with many items and my loadout menu IS NOT empty anymore. So we did improve the situation but I simply don't see AIM-54 in the loadout menu.


I think I shouldn't patch to 2008. I should install SFP1 then install Weapons pack and then Iran-Iraq.


Thanks again for all your help guys but I am still stuck. :(

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Is the AIM-54A setup with Exported=TRUE in it's weapondata entry?

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Do not screw with your current install. Now that you have posted the results you have gotten, I know you can:


A) Follow my instructions exactly

B) End up with a known quantity...ie I can troubleshoot because I have the exact same install


So, the first thing you are going to do is backup your weapondata.ini and weapondata.dat files (located in the Weapons directory) somewhere safe. Just make a copy and put them somewhere where you can quickly get to them.


Secondly, after you have done this, open up the weapondata.ini (NOT YOUR BACKUP) with Notepad, search for the AIM-54A entry, and change the Exported= line to TRUE and match the exported start and end years to the main start and end year. Match the exported quantity to what you want...make it match the overall quantity to make it easy. Save the file.


Then, open the weapondata.ini file with the Weapon Editor, double click on any weapon, DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES, then hit the Save button. Close the weapon editor.


Check the date/time stamp on both the weapondata.ini and weapondata.dat files located in Weapons folder. If they (both files) have not been updated to the current date/time, your weapon editor is saving to a different area. If they have, then go on.


Start the sim. If you have weapons, congrats! If you don't, you have the wrong weapon editor...period.


Report back here with your results.



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I got my Phoenix. Thanks FC for your help. I did follow your steps and it worked. Now I can kill some Iraqi MiGs!


One more thing. Should I follow the same steps for any weapon that I need but don't see in the loadout menu?


Thanks again.

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i found my issue: i didn't have the oct 08 update. installed it, now everything works(except the gun editor, which i will attempt to fix).

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the gun editor is the same for 06 AND 06 levels. only the weapons editor changed



kevin stein

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After fixing the weapon pack issue, I still have some modeling issues with the Iraqi MiG-21MF and MiG-23M which originally came with Iran-Iraq campaign. Please see the attached photos below.



1- MiG-21MF has no pilot in the cockpit! Neither the player, nor the wingmen. I included its DATA file. As you can see there's nothing in front of "PilotModelName". I think that's the issue. How can it be fixed?



2- MiG-23M has no landing gear cover and gears are half up. What might have caused these issue?



Please be advised that I DID NOT change any aircraft type in original Iran-Iraq campaign. This is what came with the campaign.

post-9668-062221400 1282918967.jpg

post-9668-020309100 1282918975.jpg

post-9668-006385600 1282918984.jpg

post-9668-063731300 1282918989.jpg

Edited by iranianace

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I can confirm those bugs. I suspect it's just ini edits, but I've lost interest in troubleshooting this one. Someone else can pick up the ball and run with it.



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1 . check the data.ini of another jet that has a pilot and change the PilotModelName= to use that specified pilot

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1 . check the data.ini of another jet that has a pilot and change the PilotModelName= to use that specified pilot


How do I modify an .ini file?


I did modify the .dat file and the pilot appreared but behind the seat! so I assume I should reposition the pilot some how.


Please advise. Thanks.

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You've been modifying ini files the whole time.




Sorry! I thought that .dat files and .ini files are different. I can easily open and modify .dat files with notepad but .ini files can't be opened.

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Yeah - basically .ini files are the text files you have been editing in Notepad. You have even shown a screen shot of the line you need to change.


Yes dat file and ini files are totally different - you shouldnt be trying to edit .dat files at all.

Edited by MigBuster

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the issue with the missing pilot in ALL the Fishbeds is well known and documented (there's even several posts about it in the Knowledge Base)


What it comes down to, is TK changed some things between the 06 and 08 patches. Extract the 21MF's data ini from the Object.cat, and look at the positioning lines for the pilot. All the Fishbeds use the same position, so you'll need to fix ALL of them.


not haveing a figure pointed to is a nothing thing ... that just means it uses the stock pilot figure.


As to the Flogger issues, again, it's a pre-08 data ini, and is probably porked in 08.



kevin stein

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the issue with the missing pilot in ALL the Fishbeds is well known and documented (there's even several posts about it in the Knowledge Base)


What it comes down to, is TK changed some things between the 06 and 08 patches. Extract the 21MF's data ini from the Object.cat, and look at the positioning lines for the pilot. All the Fishbeds use the same position, so you'll need to fix ALL of them.


not haveing a figure pointed to is a nothing thing ... that just means it uses the stock pilot figure.


As to the Flogger issues, again, it's a pre-08 data ini, and is probably porked in 08.



kevin stein


Thank you Wrench. Just updated MiG-21MF DATA ini and Voila! It's fixed. I have a pilot in the cockpit.


Still have to work on the Flogger. Funny thing is when I fly the Flogger, once I lower and lift up the gears, it closes completely although all wingmen still have the gear half way up.

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Sorry for hijacking this thread for a slightly off-topic question.  Are the aircrafts in this Iran-Iraq Campaign capable of Beyond Visual Range combat? 

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Sorry for hijacking this thread for a slightly off-topic question.  Are the aircrafts in this Iran-Iraq Campaign capable of Beyond Visual Range combat? 



What do you mean by that? Ever since SF was released in 2002 you could fire off an AIM-7 from an F-4 from BVR - so a campaign with an F-14/MiG-23/F-4/MiG-25 - you would think so.

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Is it a kind of unbalanced issue.  I was riding in a F-4D doing a strike mission.  I was hit by an Iranian F-14A by AIM-54A.  There is, unlike in the F-4E, no RWR which warned me about incoming missiles.  

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