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Navy QF-4 question

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I know that, like the Air Force, the Navy used QF-4s (in this case F-4Bs, F-4Ns, and F-4Ss). What I don't know is did the Navy use them in the same manner? All the pictures I've seen of the NAVAIR QF-4s have ejection seats but they have bright day-glo orange, so did they expend them as targets or did they just launch smaller target drones? And what has become of these aircraft since the Navy ended their QF-4 program?

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they used them both as full scale target drones and to test new ordinance and equipment. a QF-4S even tested a russian anti-radiation missle while they were still active. more details to follow.

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as to the what became of them those that weren't expended as FSATs (full scale airborne targets) were retired for a second time to the boneyard at Davis Monathan in Arizona. but most were shot down over the pacific esp. the QF-4B/N models.

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