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Storage Containers

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Well just when you've seen it all. Today my wife an I went over to my mothers n laws to get OUR stuff out that we had in her basement. Shes having some work done in her basement so I thought it was time to get our mess out of the way.


I didnt have anything there personally but my wife had some of her cloths there. Well so didnt my brother n law an his wife. I ended sorting an moving 2 rooms myself since my wife has a bad back.


This took most of the afternoon. I decided to bring afew things to Storage to secure them an protect them from the elements. I rent a storage container that are 15 by 30 just big enough to keep the little extra Ive picked up over the years.


Its just starting to get dark an the wife says I really dont feel like doing this tonight like shes gonna move anything. I saw her pick up 4 boxes about the size of a shoe box at her moms house today so I tell her Im gonna move the stuff just stand there an look busy like you always do.


I slide open the doors an I notice thats theres alot of dust flying around. Wife says whats all that an I say its just alittle dust but thinking to myself this is alot of dust. Wife says thats not dust that looks like feathers. I say its dust an I walk around a box an step on something I know isnt suppose to be there. I dont jump up but I know I move pretty quick thinking what that hell is under my sandal.


As my eyes get accustomed to the darkness of the container I see bird s**t all over everything. I under my foot is a dead bird big one too an then I see more dead birds. Being as dark as it was I found 6 of them all around the front of the container. Then my heart sank as I saw what they had done.


All over my couches an chairs books an everything else is bird s**t. I mean nasty big chunks. I got so mad I start picking up the birds an throwing them out. I know I was throwing out F bombs left an right. My wife is laughing the whole time but I couldnt find anything funny about it.


Theres nothing I could see that isnt covered in bird s**t. From the front to the back everthing has bird s**t on it.


Considering I pay 100+ for this container an theres nowhere I see that Im responsible for birds being trapped in my container that Im gonna allow them not to pay for it. I know for a fact that I have never left the container open long enough to trap birds. I inspected it pretty close an found a small whole at the top of the container where the birds could make entry from one container to the next


Come Monday morning I plan to take pictures an then bring them an my problem to the manager an make it theyre problem. Its one thing if dust gets on your property an I expect that but to have my personal property ruined by birds getting entrance to my container is just plain wrong.


Pissed Off an s**t on.



Semper Fi.

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Do you have insurance on the property? I had a buddy that lost about $4000 USD in a storage facility fire one time and I've always insured mine ver since.




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Naw Fates I sure dont but Ill see what I can do from the managers end.




Semper Fi.

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Good luck with it Creepy. That would P--- me right off to discover something like that. You expect for the money you pay that the storage is secure. Certainly not that birds or any other animal bigger than a mouse can come in and ruin everything. We've always set mouse and rat traps and placed mothballs everywhere in our storage. I certainly wouldnt think about birds being a problem.

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man Id get the pics AND a video of the hole....but yeah Sue them!! they ought be able use the ole mark 1 eyeball at least once a week make sure THEIR property(rented to you) is secure even from birds,if they have vent holes those holes best have screening over them..

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