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Who flies X-Plane?

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I've watched this flight sim for a long time and even messed with the demo some, and it looks pretty nice at first glance, but I haven't had the time to really test it out. Now I see the author is raising the price soon, and I'm wondering if I should grab it now before it goes up.;)


Anybody out there really spent some time with it and can make a recommendation on how good it really is? Is it comparable to FS2K2?

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MJ, I've got the same question myself, I've been interested in this one for a while now. I too have played the demo, but I'm waiting for December, because there is suppose to be an X-plane Combat addition released around that time. I think there's more info availible at the X-plane website.


BirdDogg. :cool:

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I haven't been over there for awhile and was unaware of the combat addon. I'll go check it out!

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I can't believe I've never seen this thread before.


I've been using X-Plane since version 5.54, one and a half years ago. Now, with version 6.40, X-Plane is completely different. The combat version is not out yet, but part of it has been released in 6.40. I would definately suggest trying it out. You can't shoot anything, but you can mess around with adding weapons to aircraft and stuff.


As to comparing FS2002 to X-Plane, well... it's hard to say one is better than the other. FS2002 has much better graphics, better AI, and better ATC, but X-Plane has the most realistic flight models of any sim out there, and is the easiest to create new aircraft. X-Plane is really more of an engineering tool, because it will model and aircraft in existance. In FS2002 you can make a toilet fly like a Cessna, but in X-Plane it'll fly like a toilet.


I would suggest going to www.x-plane.org. It has the largest collection of aircraft, and the largest community using it's forums.


As for me, I spend more time on X-Plane than anything else I've ever bought. Its just something about being able to make your own aircraft, or aircraft that have never been featured in any sim before. Before Strike Fighters, no sim had featured an A-4, so I made one in X-Plane. You can find it at the link above, if you like. Try doing that in MSF2002 without the ability to use 3D Studio MAX or GMax.

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I haven't worked with the plane maker yet, but I'm looking foward to doing so. Still, can't wait for the Combat Edtion to come out.



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Definately use Plane-Maker! Thats what sold me on the sim. Its great not to be limited in the number of aircraft available.


I can't wait for the combat version to be released either, but frankly I think it will be a major disappointment. Its just too hard for one man to make a realistic military flight simulation, or at least on that can compete with other sims out at the moment.

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I thought Oleg Maddox originally coded IL2 By himself, anyway I hear ya. But even so X-Plane is a cool sim.



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Uh Oh. Fast Eagle, did you get the 5.xx version? You may be a tad disappointed. The current versions and updates are running through the 6.xx's.

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Well, I am sure you can find the 5.66 final version update and the 5.99 expansion pack. Its still a great sim, and definately a great way to see if you want to buy the 6.xx version.


I mean, 5.xx was good enough for me to grab on to X-Plane in the beginning.

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Hahaha, sweet.


Definately check out x-plane.org

All the best mods and stuff.

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$20 for version 6.0? I won't tell ya what I just paid for it, but it sure wasn't that good of a deal! At any rate, if you can get Version 6.0, the updates are free until Version 6.99; which is definitely a good thing. I haven't received my copy yet; should any day now. The graphics on X-plane are incredible; plus the speed is much faster than FS2002, from what I hear. I only have FS2000, and there is no comparison. I look forward to a Combat version of X-Plane too. Now then, be advised that joystick configuration "ain't" as simple as som flight sims. It is much more detailed. I still haven't figured things out. Right now, I am only using the DEMO, but the process is the same. X-Plane does have decent tech support, although somewhat slow to respond.


Chief W.

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it was enough for me. I went and bought the 6.x.x version for $20

its a blast


Damnit it was just some add on pack!!!


Now I got the real deal and I cant seem to connect to Chief to play MP (story of this pilots life) It says I haven't entered his IP addy right, but we went through this and we know its correct. It also says that I recieve his data, but he does not receive mine.

I have a Lynksys router, but I am sure it's configured right, because I can play other online games with no prob.

I even allowed transmission on the proper UDP port.

Is there anyone out there with some needed knowledge?

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Never done internet play with X-Plane. Maybe there is something about it on the .Org forums.

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